

为何感恩节这样的节日专注于感恩节, 却每年每隔一天都像另一天一样, 仅次于最后一天而大多数人继续过自己的生活并让感恩传递每天我们醒来看到另一个本身就是福你不同意吗

今天我非常感恩 并想分享能量 并请求你们分享 列举几件你今天特别感恩事

结束时,天天应感恩... 心安理得地报答我朋友

Today I am especially grateful for: love and support, the ability to touch lives and be touched by lives, the sun beating on my bare skin and how I was able to mentally keep my cool when I generally would of beem moody over the humidity, my Mom and German Shepherd – Dante, the ability to go shopping for my Mom's birthday and not give in to my shopping addiction and selfislhy overspend on things I do not need (I didn't buy anything for myself and was very happy that I was able to control this), the last few little strawberries harvest in my garden, the tomato that is getting so plump it looks as if it's going to break off the vine, the colors of the lemons on our lemon tree and the way water from the sprinkles dances all over them, the ability to WALK and function, the prints of earth on the bottoms of my feet when I walk barefoot (GOD I LOVE THAT!!!) and of cours, all of you!




  • 句子变换句子变换 原始Newbie

    感激生命中多大小仍然有目共睹 手仍然工作良好 足以造型 脚步行走感谢支持性、温柔和中心伙伴,我的两个获救fline毛球让我晚上吐吐司,雨后出来玩的青蛙,家庭板球从地板裂缝中拉我,毛毯,简单食品和掩蔽所,抓虫粒子并许愿,爱多家,木浪歌,斜坡叶子,传染性raucos笑
