





  • 是的,他们已经计划了一段时间。如果您在他们的邮件列表中,您将获得有关它的所有更新。他们可以在任何地方建造房屋。

  • Germin8Germin8 原始大师


  • “我们为Raw Vegan村庄有一个新的地点,这将对所有想要温暖气候的人更具吸引力!它将在加利福尼亚州的Ojai!这是我们目前居住的地方。它是一个全年的生长季节。我们只是与绿色行业的一位领先的建筑商见面,Storm已有30多年的历史,他们将帮助我们发展这个村庄。



  • 哇,真棒!!!感谢您发布该安妮!

  • 他们让人们只是搬进村庄吗?我会搬到那里!

  • 伊丽莎白伊丽莎白 原始新手


  • 这些房屋的售价可能为$ 300 000-500000。昂贵,是的。但是我认为这将在很多方面都值得。这是他们计划的房屋,“里面没有木头。房屋中使用的大部分木材都用农药处理,可将毒素浸入我们的日常基地中。随着时间的流逝,它会对我们的健康和孩子的健康产生长期影响。它将具有丰富的自然照明。这将通过地板到屋顶窗和光纤照明灯具实现。墙壁将是聚粉状,钢筋和混凝土的组合。这将确保最高水平的绝缘层。它还将创造出地震和防火的房屋。地板将是竹子 - 可再生的快速增长材料,看起来像硬木地板相似。室内油漆和表面将无毒。 The tiles and counters will be non-toxic sustainable materials that are also beautiful and elegant. The moment that you build a traditional wooden frame house it starts to deteriorate. Even though the average house has about 100 gallons of chemical pesticides soaked into the soil prior to pouring of the concrete foundation. The main one being Chlordane which is a primary termite prevention pesticide. They are just now starting to do studies that link Chlordane to cancer. The type of construction that we will be doing can easily last 1,000 years. With this new type of polysteel construction no wood is used. Instead we will be using renewable bamboo and hemp products. This will allow us to create hardwood-style floors without clear-cutting forest. We will be using clay ceramic baked bricks and tiles as finishing materials and we will incorporate the use of state of the art glass windows throughout the design. We will also use the latest technology in fiber-optic lighting so no electric lights will be necessary during daylight hours. The house will make extensive use of leading edge solar technology breakthroughs so that the house can be built totally off of the grid or if connected to the grid the meter will run backwards.”

    所以……显然,房子非常环保。会有一所学校,农贸市场,水疗中心,静修会(对于那些想去度假的人),有机农场和果园,瑜伽工作室,餐厅/果汁吧等等!They also are thinking of having a renting option open for those who aren’t ready to commit to anything long-term, and also, students can come to live there temporarily to work on the organic farms/orchards/farmers market (in their own little dorms on the outskirts of the village) There will be horses stables too, for you animal lovers. I am certainly going to buy a house there when I finish school. I can’t think of a better place to live my life and raise my children. I always have known that I would have to move to a tropical/warm place when I settle down with a family, it would make it so much easier to find fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. But it would be so hard to raise children in this kind of society. They would be raised with raw vegan beliefs of course, but that would all just clash with what they are learning at school/play—basically what they would be seeing everyday in the world around them. Raw veganism isn’t just a diet—it’s a whole new philosophy on life, a whole new lifestyle. And I’m sure that we can all admit this is one way or another…being a raw vegan in this society is HARD! There is a lack of understanding, it’s hard to connect with people, it’s hard to go out to eat, so many temptations and cravings because of the SAD food constantly surrounding us, so difficult to find fresh fruits and veggies, organic fruits and veggies, when buying a product, we always have to think, “Is it really raw?”. And it’s a nightmare trying to find eco-friendly clothes and other materials…I have to ship it in, which is expensive and hard on the earth. The air, at least where I live, is absolutely filthy. You really begin to feel as though you are living within a sea of brainwashed fools. Sounds absolutely beautiful….I cannot even wait to be in such a beautiful environment, around such beautiful people and creatures, such delicious food everywhere…. Of course, I would probably still take the time to travel quite a bit. I’m afraid I’m not the kind of person that can offically settle into one place…I love to explore the world. But this would be home.

  • 伊丽莎白伊丽莎白 原始新手

    I would be worried about raising kids here…I don’t want my kids to grow up sheltered in a raw vegan school, with raw vegan friends, etc. I want them to have the opportunity to interact with all kinds of different people, instead of isolating them in a raw vegan village…they would inevitably experience a HUGE culture shock going out into the rest of the world, kind of like those Amish kids that go out into the wolrd at 16 and turn into meth addicts because they don’t know how to handle all the new things around them. That said, I do think this is a step in the right direction for man. I wouldn’t consider living there I don’t think, but it would be a nice place to visit.

  • 如果他们有酒店,那会很好。它可能为社区创造更多的收入,并使更多的人享受生活方式。



  • lzhptlzhpt 原始新手


  • 好吧,我敢肯定这是一次试验。像许多事情一样,第一次尝试可能不是完美的,但是人们从了解他们为什么要这样做的人们的积极深思熟虑的意见中。我认为他们可以在一个快乐的媒介中迎接一个村庄,满足一群共同的需求,即普遍的感觉将对男人和孩子,甚至是家庭和居住在那里的人们的宠物有益。我同意这可能有点庇护。我认为他们不会认为有些人自然不会100%纯净的生活方式。我确实喜欢选择一个最适合种植和维持植被的区域的概念,这将产生更自然的纯净感觉,但以相同的速度使人们有机会学习新事物,但仍然是社会的分开。因此,让我们所有人保持积极的态度,也许我们可以为人们写一些想法,以帮助他们做出第二个想法。但是,我确实认为,对于简单性质的复合体来说,成本有点极端。

  • 克里斯(Chris),极高的成本主要是由于它在加利福尼亚州。我们最近一直在看房屋,即使价格下跌,最便宜的2居室房屋在我所在的地区约为60万美元。最便宜的两居室公寓约为375,000美元,每月HOA会费约为约。除此之外,$ 600。我认为原纯素食村的价格适中。

  • omshantiomshanti 原始新手



  • 钢琴钢琴 原始新手



    我也不确定这对我来说也是如此,但我认为我会介绍“非commune” POV。

  • 我认为听起来真的很酷,除了有几种不同种类的原始食品主义者,而且这个村庄独家纯素食主义者似乎很好,排他性。raybet12我认为我们是一个足够小的小组。为什么要疏远某人,因为他们可能想拥有一只山羊或牛来制作牛奶或奶酪。对不起,如果我得罪了任何人。一些生食家raybet12甚至不吃生肉,但我不吃生肉,但我认为生乳制品和蜂蜜是果食的。尽管我知道加利福尼亚非常昂贵,但住房的成本似乎很高。我看到绿色房屋的价格低至90,000美元在加拿大广告。住在一个生态村庄会很好,与志趣相投的人在一起很棒,但是称其为“原始纯素食村”没有多样性的空间,而且我个人不希望有人告诉我我能吃什么。希望这是有道理的。

  • 实际上,大约有200人对住在一个生纯素食村中的感兴趣。这是一个更新:“发现Ojai Raw纯素食村网站!

    诚实地,我不能相信这样的土地是在Ojai出售的!我们昨天看到的土地是117英亩,美丽的国家森林!- 一个梦!我们从汽车上远足,沿着一条美丽的小径,到河上,爬回河中,甚至浸入其中!河很棒。一系列的小瀑布整个河都在河上,这些大美丽的巨石,没有其他房屋,鼠尾草刷,加利福尼亚橡树,野花,野花,原始的强大性质。

    我想象我的孩子们整天在河里玩耍。无论孩子们在这片土地上最终都会有一个迷人的童年,无论发生什么事。从河上看的景色是雄伟的Topa Topa山脉。极好的!而且该物业坐落在Los Padres国家森林中,因此您几乎可以在任何方向上远足几天,并且仍然处于荒野!

    有三个包裹。可以建造三个主要房屋,每个房屋在30英亩。还可以在每个物业上建造一个旅馆和谷仓。需要建造道路。获得的许可证。一年的繁文tape节和金钱。为天堂付出的很小的代价!果园的空间;鳄梨,橙色,杏子,胡桃木!丰富的深色土壤, - 野土! – for gardens of the most nutrient dense food we’ll ever eat! This is soil that came from the Topa Topa’s, like that which has nourished us for years through the nearby farms we buy our food from. Yet this is new earth! – never farmed before.


    实际上,真正的原始素食主义者村庄将在上奥贾伊(Upper Ojai)占地40英亩,老实说,我见过的最雄伟,戏剧性,令人难以置信的景色。这可能是针对生素食儿童的K-12学校的所在地。我们今天正在与房地产经纪人交谈,但我相信我们可以在这片土地上建造五所房屋,因此可以是原始的素食村中心。我们设想一位投资者购买这片土地并将其作为一家企业运营,并设有租赁单元,花园,学校和务虚会。这将使许多人来参加村庄。


  • Luna BluLuna Blu 原始新手




  • 这听起来很棒,但是一件事……我妈妈是一位医生,她会在哪里工作?他们喜欢很多工作和东西吗?如果我错了,请纠正我,但没有提及很多工作。但是对于老师和按摩治疗师来说,这太好了!

  • 不久前,我听说过这件事,我喜欢这个想法听起来像是我的通讯。我的大学让我想起了这一点,因为既关心健康又关心环境的紧密联系的社区。

  • 蛾 原始新手


  • 我相信您创造了自己的现实,所以住在这里对我和我的儿子来说就像现实世界!

  • AJCAJC 原始新手


