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访问社区Something I noticed and thought would make a nice discussion here, recently I've been eating somewhat a 80/10/10 diet as opposed to my older high fat diet, and I've noticed that will all the fruits I eat I don't need to drink, at all, I haven't drank a bit of water for over a week now and I constantly need to pee and my urine is also ALWAYS very clear, not yellow at all, also I was thinking about how we don't really have any natural way of drinking water, our tongues aren't suitable for licking water, and even though we make bowl shape with our hands its far from being a efficient\convenient way of drinking, so what you think?:.
个人而言,我同意你的看法 80/10/10-我也有同样的经历进食果子或大部份沙拉时不喝水我可以脱身任何东西干 -- 如果我不随波逐流水
运动后,我需要水 管我节食多喝水自然比较干自然,我的意思是,它是我们的身体 告诉我们我们需要它常听人说 顺尿色表示 水量是否充足我会说你是
支持两种观点一些人说,你应该从菜果中获取大部分流水,因为今天所有水源都如此受污染。其他人说,你不应该只依赖植物, 需要喝水,太