



这一集专门针对纽约州的Raw Food Podcast听众raybet12托尼(Tony),这是他本集的出色主题建议。谢谢托尼!





欢迎来到生食播客的第35集。raybet12我是您的主持人,Rawtarian的Laura-Janraybet12e,在这一集中,我们将谈论发芽。Predominantly we’re going to be talking about just how to use very basic equipment like Mason jars that you’re going to put in your kitchen and make some fresh – and very affordable – sprouts to enjoy on your salads and in your raw wraps and even as little garnishes on your raw soups. So, stay tuned, and I will be back with you shortly talking about sprouts!

感谢您加入我的另一集生食播客。raybet12我想首先要感谢纽约的托尼建议在播客上聊天的好主意。我确实觉得我准备与您谈论发芽。如您所知,自2009年以来,我一直是原始素食主义者,当我开始时,我不得不因为生活中发生的所有事情而不得不使事情变得非常简单:当时我们正在翻新我们的家,我很忙,我们的厨房有时无法进入。因此,多年来,我试图使事情变得超级简单,而且我仍然确实坚持这种思维方式和心态。但是与此同时,我正在了解我觉得可以处理的事情,而发芽非常容易。我知道您可以对我翻白眼,因为当您有很多时间和美丽的房子,一切都是完美的,当然,发芽很容易。但是,当事情疯狂时,如果您有小孩,生活就很忙,有时这些事情很难管理。What I will say is if you have enough money to get a Mason jar (or even use an old spaghetti sauce jar - a jar with a lid) and you can get some seeds from your local health food store (that’s where I get mine - they’re very inexpensive), I think for $7, you could sprout. Seven dollars and maybe, even when you’re starting (for me it takes minutes - I barely have to think about it at all) but let’s say $7 and 10 minutes a day for four days, then you can do this.

好的。因此,当然,当我谈论发芽时,我正在谈论您如何 - 在厨房里 - 您正在种植一些芽菜,例如苜蓿新芽或三叶草。您可以以数百美元的价格购买许多发芽的机器和装置。我考虑过,我不介意实际上花钱。我们肯定谈论要购买Sprotouter,但我喜欢在Mason Jars中发芽。它是如此简单,非常简单,所以我只是继续这样做。


首先,您为什么要发芽?I don’t know about you, but when I buy sprouts at the grocery store - particularly alfalfa sprouts - they’re really colorless, and they go bad really quickly, and they’re just not very appealing to me at all, although I love sprouts. But when you make them at home they're very easy, and they’re way cheaper. You can make them whenever you want, and they’re really easy. Once you get the hang of sprouting, it’s like anything. When you first made a smoothie, you were all nervous and had to really think about it and measure out all your ingredients, but if you’ve been doing smoothies for a while and you’re in the groove, you know how. It’s like learning anything. It seems very complicated with many steps at first, but once you get into the groove it’s super easy.

因此,首先,我要谈论发芽种子的话题。When we sprout these seeds, what we’re trying to accomplish really is just to get these teeny tiny seeds - about the size of a poppy seed - to grow nice little green tails, and then we’re just going to eat the sprouts and use them like a green. I love to put mine on a salad and I like to eat them in large quantities. I don’t use them as greens in my smoothie. To me, I just think it would take too many sprouts to really make a difference in my smoothie. You could do that, but for me particularly I love to have them on raw crackers as my green or on salads, or even, as I mentioned in the intro, on soups as a garnish and a nice sort of additional flavor.


因此,实际上,我们所做的只是生长绿色,长长的芽菜,以便我们可以吃它们。您可以发芽许多不同类型的种子,例如苜蓿,三叶草,我做过的萝卜种子,藜麦,您可以发芽。我试图发芽chia种子,但是由于它们是如此的凝胶,所以我没有成功,所以我不会尝试从Chia Seeds开始。如果您以前从未发芽过,我建议使用苜蓿种子。它们可能是最简单的,我发现它们的风味最好。他们绝对是我最喜欢的人。我尝试了许多不同的混音,我一直回到苜蓿。我喜欢味道。


为了做到这一点,这是一个基本概念:当您在保健食品商店购买它们时,豆芽完全干燥,他们只是尽可能快乐地坐在那里。但是,考虑一下发芽 - 发芽是种子,它想要成长。它怎么知道何时开始成长?第一个过程是为了发芽而需要弄湿(这基本上只是开始尝试成长)。当然,我们首先需要做的就是拿起梅森罐子。那只是一个玻璃罐;人们将它们用于罐头等。因此,您会得到一个很大的玻璃罐。在尺寸方面,如果您要在冰沙关节订购大型冰沙,则填充大约相同的尺寸。大概是四杯或类似的杯子。 So you get a large jar, you put a couple of tablespoons of the dry seed in the jar, and then you just cover the seeds with water. The reason that you’re doing that is so that the seeds will start to get wet and start to get the message that they need to grow.

但是这些种子不是鱼。他们不能完全在水中生长。因此,我们需要给他们一个信息,即可以安全地开始生长,这就是使它们湿润 - 完全湿,并在冷淡的冷水中湿透了湿润 - 大约八个小时。这就是为什么我们要浸泡它们:让他们知道他们已经准备好成长了。但是,正如我提到的那样,它们不是鱼,因此我们需要沥干水。最简单的方法是 - 如果您在我的网站上进行搜索或在我的网站上查看,则会更容易设想 - 只需放一点点奶酪布或旧的平纹细布或某种材料,这些材料可以帮助您过滤水。while keeping the seeds in. The basic concept is you’re going to soak them for about eight hours, and then you’re going to drain off the water and let them sit there. They’re wet, but they’re not swimming in water. And then you’re just going to let them do their thing. I like to tip my Mason jar upside down and put it in a big bowl to catch any drips that come out after I’ve drained most of the water out. Then you just keep them moist as though it was a garden, so you water them a little bit and then drain out the water again every day. Of course if you look online you can see really specific steps about what you should do, and I encourage you to do that. The basic idea - what you’re trying to help happen with the steps that you’re following - is let them know they’re ready to grow by giving them a good soak and then keep them watered and let them drain so they don’t get waterlogged. And then you’ll notice very quickly that little tails will start to grow out of them and they’ll start to grow seeds.


Now another tip that I don’t actually see people talking a lot about with regards to growing sprouts is once you’ve let them know that they’re ready - so you’ve soaked them for about eight hours, or even up to twenty-four hours - it’s actually good when you’ve got them upside down and draining to just throw a tea towel or something over your jar because, remember we’re trying to let them know they’re in their natural environment, and what would normally be happening is they’d be in earth and they’d be growing. They actually love to be in darkness. I do this all on my kitchen counter, but they don’t need sunlight, and, in fact, they’ll actually grow faster if you put them with a tea towel or something over the jar to keep them in the darkness. Because what is a sprout trying to do when it grows? It’s trying to grow through the earth fast to seek the sun. If it thinks it’s in the dark, it will keep looking for the sunshine, so it will grow faster. That’s not just an old wives’ tale. I totally have seen the difference between doing them in full sun versus in a dark place. Dark is best for sure.

我绝对认为您应该与苜蓿新芽一起尝试。我可能应该在我的网站上写一篇文章或其他内容 - 因此,如果您访问therawtarian.com/sprouts,我将在那里有一些教程,您可以自己检查一下。但最终,这是非常容易的,这就是要点。无论您要种植哪种发芽甚至豆子,这都是相同的过程。您正在试图让他们认为他们在花园里。因此,这基本上就是它的工作原理。



所以豆。想到的一些主要豆是鹰嘴豆(也称为鹰嘴豆),黑豆和肾豆,以及 - 哦,天哪,有很多类型的豆类。一些原始美食家会谈raybet12论发芽豆。首先,需要煮一些豆子才能摆脱它们的毒性,例如黑豆绝不应该被生食,甚至发芽。它们会让您感到非常恶心和病,因为其中有一些毒素。我个人认为,豆类实际上并不是要在原始状态下食用。我肯定读了很多有关鹰嘴豆(又称鹰嘴豆)的信息,我自己发芽了。他们会发芽。当然,因为它们比小苜蓿芽芽大,所以豆子需要更长的时间才能发芽,坦率地说,我忘记了我花了几天的鹰嘴豆看起来像是可以食用的几天 - 也许四天。他们肯定发芽了,他们活着,但我发现它们是如此淀粉。 And I have an iron stomach; I could eat anything. My stomach is the bomb. I loved cooked chickpeas before I went raw, but I have sprouted chickpeas, and I really felt that they did not taste good. They’re just way too starchy, and I just knew that they were bad for me. I ate them on some salads, and I wanted to love them, because I used to love chickpeas, and I love something hearty to put on my salad. They will sprout, and I’m not going to say don’t ever do it, but, for me, I feel like, (a) it took a long time, and (b) they just didn’t digest well for me, and they definitely tasted very raw - but not in the good way, just uncooked and too starchy for sure, kind of like one of the reasons why we don’t eat raw potato as raw vegans. There’s just way too much starch there.

但是一个很好的折衷是我确实喜欢发芽的小扁豆。同样,您只需将它们放入一个罐子里,将其装满八个小时,排除等。因此,小扁豆是一个不错的替代品。他们不花那么长时间;它们是种子和豆类之间的中间立场。当然,小扁豆是豆类,但这可能是一个不错的选择。So I would say if you’re craving some sprouted beans - I’m not really a big fan of sprouted beans, and, like I said, many are actually toxic for you - but sprouted lentils might be a nice thing for you to try for yourself.


另外,我们有第三种类型的发芽,即发芽谷物。再次,人们谈论发芽的米饭,小麦,玉米,燕麦,大麦以及类似的东西,但对我来说,我不是一个忠实的粉丝。我知道我们很多人都在试图摆脱果岭 - 我的意思是,不要离开蔬菜!- 远离谷物,所以我没有很多经验,我会在发芽的谷物中承认这一点。大麦可能是一个不错的尝试发芽。我不知道它们实际上会成长,但是他们可能会真正吸收大量的水,变得更大,也许是分裂的,并且这种事情。因此,大麦可能是一个不错的尝试。我不认为米饭不会发芽。但是我必须承认,我对发芽谷物一无所知,而且我没有做到。I think maybe if you were going to cook your rice, it’s probably a great idea to sprout it first, but if you’re just going to take some dry rice and soak it in some water and then eat it, I don’t know that it should be eaten raw that way. I don’t know that for sure. I think further research is required on sprouting grains.


一般而言,一般而言,一大片图片就回到这里,尤其是如果您认为自己可能是那种可能有一天可以花园的类型,那么发芽是最简单的事情之一。您不必出门;它基本上是园艺,而豆芽只是不需要地球,所以一开始是一件很棒的事情。在园艺方面,我建议总是要吃一杯好草药并将其放在您的房子里。如果您的厨房窗台很轻,只需放一个漂亮的罗勒或迷迭香,或者您喜欢的任何草药,然后尝试将其放在小锅中,作为园艺的第一步。如果您可以处理,第二步可能是开始在厨房中发芽。然后,如果您确实想进入园艺,我认为这是您可以做的两个良好的快速胜利,然后您可以从小型高架床或花园里的东西开始。我喜欢我的讲话,好像我是一个专业的园丁一样,我真的不是。但是我确实认为发芽是一种成长自己的好方法,您知道它们的新鲜和所有这些东西。我认为发芽是一件很棒的事情,就像我说的那样,它非常便宜,一旦您掌握了它,这真的很容易。 The first day you’re going to think, “Oh my gosh, I have to soak it, then I have to drain it, and I have to keep it hydrated. Oh my god, this is so complicated.” But once you do it a few times it just becomes really easy. You just have to get over that hurdle of the first three or four times until you get the hang of it.


我没有提及的一件事 - 我做什么 - 我会保留苜蓿芽。我在水中浸泡了大约一天,然后将它们排干了一天,使它们耗尽了大约两三天,它们会生长。然后大约在第三天结束时,他们准备好吃饭,我喜欢让他们生长另一天。但是他们确实有一些保质期。您不能让他们在厨房里长达两个星期。因此,大概在五天结束时,如果您还没有全部吃掉它们,我只会把那个梅森罐子扔进冰箱。然后,您可以在需要时将它们从冰箱中吃掉。将它们放在冰箱里只是要阻止它们生长,因为冰箱里的第一,第一和第二,它只是要使它们保持新鲜。




您一直在与主持人The Rawtarian一起听Raw Fooraybet12d Podcast。raybet12请务必在therawtarian.com上访问我,您可以浏览我绝对喜欢的简单,令人满意的原始纯素食食谱,您可以很快地制作出来,并且只需几种食材,而且味道很棒。While you’re there, be sure to sign up for my newsletter, and once you’ve signed up for that, you’ll automatically get a PDF copy of eleven of my most favorite, most satisfying, most delicious recipes including Raw Vegan Alfredo Sauce, Raw Brownies, and a whole host of other delicious recipes that you can make at home that are raw and taste amazing. Thank you so much for joining me, and I hope to hear from you very soon. Until next time, enjoy your raw adventure.








