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  • Raw Librarian, Thanks. Once I get settled there I will be interested in finding raw/veg things, pot-lucks etc. Do you know about The Raw Spirit Festival that is taking place in a park in the suburbs of Maryland the end of August? I'm planning on goi…
  • Chris, I'm moving to the Washington DC area hopefully by the end of July. I would love to meet up with you on your tour there. How exciting. Raw Librarian, I will be living in the suburbs of DC in Virginia. If you are not too far away I would be wil…
  • Thank you so much for sharing your amazing recipe book. It's so generous of you. I can't wait to try the recipes. They look so nice!
  • I make a salad of shredded jicama, shredded zucchini, and shredded yellow squash, add chopped scallions, chopped red bell pepper and lots of chopped cilantro. Then add lime juice as dressing. Simple and tasty.
  • 我尝试去尽可能多的生potlucks。当我出去和朋友外出吃饭时,我不想注意饮食,但是有时候在一家餐馆里,除了低品质的沙拉以外,有时候在一家餐厅提供的时有时会带来不便。
  • I"ve been mostly vegetarian my whole life but wasn't raw when I went through menopause. I never had any major symptoms other than occasional hot flashes that never really bothered me much and were actually very convenient during the winter. I still …
  • 我认为没关系。几天前,我刚买了一些萝卜蔬菜,一直在给它们榨汁。我曾经吃过它们。我从来没有发现任何有机的东西,所以我不经常使用它们。我不会在不混合机智的情况下榨汁……
  • 去年八月,我去了在Living Light Culinary Institute举行的充满活力的生活博览会。我上了第一堂课(不记得班级的确切名称),这是他们提供的所有其他课程的先决条件。我很我...
  • 糟糕,我以前的帖子有些脱节。抱歉,明天我会尝试将其发布在食谱部分。一切都在那里。它只是需要一些分解。
  • Here’s a recipe I made once and thought it was good. Don’t remember where I got it. 1 medium butternut squash 1 large yam or sweet potato Pulverize squash, potato & carrot in Food 1 or 2 carrots processor. Mix in onion & apple. 1 small onion…
  • 葵花籽
  • livingnutz.com in Maine has good truly raw organic almonds and some other sprouted and dehydrated nuts. Also Diamond organics on the west coast.
  • MOTH – I’d like to hear about what you’re eating during the winter months and what’s working for you. I’m in New England too and can sometimes find some organic imported fruit. Usually quite expensive though. One Stop & Shop in my area has had o…
  • dodo, Thanks for the hugs. Today I weigh 98. I exercise a lot and have a fair amount of muscle so to me I don’t think I look too bad or too thin. Just don’t want to go any lower. I know I eat way too much fat (lots of nuts, nut butters, avocados etc…
  • 我尝试在几个月前尝试进行80 10 10。发现真的很困难。整个理论似乎很有意义,但是我在消耗获得卡路里所需的大量水果时遇到了很多麻烦。我开始失去更多的重量…
  • Granny Smith, Macoun, Pink Lady, Cortland and probably any other tart apple.
  • I was told by someone very knowledgeable, educated and experienced in eating raw that nutritional yeast does not impact a Candida problem. It’s brewers yeast and baker’s yeast that are bad for someone with Candida. It’s not raw though. I don’t see a…
  • TheRawDance: I just want to applaud you also for your appearance on ABC. Was sorry to see the bad spin on eating raw. Much of it is fear based I guess. From what I know of Victoras Kulvinskis I think he would readily admit that he was unstable and h…
  • 从我在此主题上阅读的所有内容中,这听起来很重要。但是我不完全理解它,自从阅读和听到其他相互矛盾的信息以来,我一直对此感到困惑。当Y…
  • 我很高兴听到我对念珠菌打交道的新方法。我一直在战斗多年。我去了典型的无糖抗candida饮食一年,失去了如此多的体重,我看上去很糟糕,经常受苦……
  • MOTH – Just wanted to make a personal comment on what I’d consider could be a benefit of juicing even though I know it isn’t part of 80/10/10 way of eating or really found in nature, but if one has poor digestion and assimilation or is ill or old an…
  • 我根本不介意问题。我认为我真的没有足够长时间的饮食来感觉到我能摆脱的一切。但是,我确实在精神和情感上更加机敏,而在龙骨上也更加机敏,尽管我确实感到有些温和的排毒……
  • 在HHI,他们使用黑场显微镜检查您的血液,并使用所谓的活细胞分析。您可以查找它,可能会找到各种信息。Pro和Con都存在很多争议,并且没有得到Main的认可。
  • 我刚从希波克拉底卫生学院住了一周。这是一个了不起的地方。那里的人们是如此美妙,充满爱心和关怀。员工是一流的专业人士。我强烈建议去那里,但价格昂贵。饮食P…
  • She is such an inspiration. It really shows how you can turn your health around no matter how old you are. I just love seeing and hearing about people like this. I don’t think there’s any other diet that can show such amazing results!
  • I think it’s the chemical and pharmaceutical industry that’s going to profit the most from the Farm bill not the poor farmers. These industries will be guaranteed a profit through the continued supplies of corn that is grown. Corn is one of the most…
  • 小时候我的湿疹有很多问题,从那以后它已经回来了好几次。一旦我进行抗酵母饮食时,我的情况就非常糟糕。没有糖,没有面包,没有水果和很少的碳水化合物。我最终...
  • 同样,我完全同意您的Marichiesa。我经历了很少的运动时期,也看着肌肉萎缩。我也不想大大。我只是喜欢身体良好,我可以捡起并移动我的任何东西……
  • I enjoyed the video too. But, I have to agree with Marichiesa about the need for exercise to keep up muscle mass. I’m female and in my 50’s and if I don’t exercise on a regular basis it just seems like my body turns to mush and I’ve noticed the olde…
  • 我的一只猫只是在我制作的红薯片上疯了。当我将它们转移到另一个容器时,她在厨房柜台上站起来。是的,她是一只宠坏的猫,举止非常糟糕。她试图从我的手中吃掉它们……