








  • I have to agree with the many who’ve posted before me.. Everyone has a right to believe in God (or gods) in their own way and you even have the right to offer your religious views to anyone who asks about them but it is NEVER right or fair to push y…
  • 哼..其余的没有发布..我对垃圾的人感到厌倦。我以前从未听说过矿物质化妆。也许如果我想再次购买化妆,我将不得不研究它。
  • 我的宗教信仰有两个原因,我放弃了化妆,两个好的宗教信仰对我来说太昂贵了,我对此感到厌倦
  • 我知道那个地方很昂贵!当我住在卡利时,它曾经是我的“幻想岛”。(我只是约会自己还是什么?)我几乎没有买任何东西,因为它总是太昂贵了。但是,如果我能回去,我会买...
  • 我的互联网完全慢,我知道这个视频没有下载。我知道食物和毒品小丑很疯狂,但是禁止营养食品吗?是我还是听起来像某种星际迷航……
  • LizK – sorry I didn’t reply before.. our electricity was off and I was using the internet on my mobile phone which can be unpredicitable (and it eats through the power like a runaway Jenny Criag’er at a buffett lol) there aren’t any filters, I asked…
  • 非常感谢您的意见和意见。我没有提到,除了我试图进行更多运动的所有这些禁食外,这在萨克拉曼多有一定程度的困难。
  • 哦,我还注意到我们的水似乎是粉刷的钙或酸橙之类的东西(基本上是您的典型岩石水),在茶壶和萨姆弗斯中非常明显(大urn含有水并用煤油加热水还有一个灯芯…
  • I buy bottled water for my daughter Baraan (for her bottles, as she’s only 5 months old and I don’t want her to be drinking the regular water yet) but it would get kind of expensive to buy water for her AND me, which is why I’ve pretty much stuck wi…
  • 嗨,桑尼。得知您正在经历如此困难的情况,我感到非常遗憾。当我阅读您的帖子时,作为一个直接进入的助产士,我的脑海中出现了一些想法。1.您说您没有在此怀孕的超声波检查中进行超声检查……您可以PO ...
  • Just 2 little comments and a question: 1- Worley was joking, I’m a nurse who’s worked in the USA in an ER.. never seen a white poop in my life and never heard of one.. If there ever is a white poop I bet Guiness will have it’s pic somewhere… 2- I li…
  • When I was going raw I was staying with my aunt and uncle who had been raw for quite some time (I really can’t remember how long.. I guess old age is finally starting to get me, dang it!) Anyways they’d ask me a million questions everytime I walked …
  • 我28.2,我的小巴兰(Baraan)将在本月28日为5个月。我想我觉得自己的年龄,但是最近我已经年纪大了,也许是由于仍然是一个新妈妈 - 还没有睡得太多。
  • 非常真实的Deborahann ..令人遗憾的是,那些反对禁食的人通常是从中受益最大的人。我个人知道,当我快速时,我会感到很棒,而当我打破它时,我会得到这种成就感。
  • Now I’m not trying to advertise for my religion but I’m a muslim and fasting is part of Islam, we have our yearly fast during the month of Ramadan (most people know about this) but fasting on a regular basis is Sunnah for every muslim who can (Sunna…
  • 恭喜肉力学!哇,我为您感到非常兴奋。.您参加了9(或10)个月的新经验和很多学习!IMO您要做的第一件事是考虑一下您在怀孕期间要如何照顾的?你想...
  • Fleshmechanic if you’re looking for a good source of iron I’d suggest the usual spinach (yes.. popeye had a good thing going) but there’s another raw treat that is also high in iron and other necessary nutrients, especially folic acid, which a growi…
  • 如果您想要一整天的呼吸清新剂(如果您也在吃饭后也可以使用),请混合1TSP。蜂蜜(天然,蜜蜂友好)和半茶匙。热水和饮中的肉桂……它不仅可以很好地清新您的呼吸,还有助于消化……
  • 我必须同意Skizzy ..我完全理解,门上的标志说素食主义者,但我认为作为一个不断增长的网站,可能是时候纳入RAW上的一些不同的观点。.因为毕竟我们很多人都有很多人在这个网站上仍然是LEAR…
  • 好问题Alix ..我也一直在考虑更改我的名字,但我只是觉得除非我再次注册。
  • For me the biggest issue was remembering to take a pill everyday at about the same time, perhaps easier for a woman without children but I have a 4 month old and my daily schedual is anything but regular also I didn’t want the side effects like weig…
  • 我以为只是我!男人,我已经尝试了几天来打开该食谱,我收到了同样的信息……我不知道发生了什么,因为那是我的评论,我认为这是我的评论,如果不是这样,我将无法回答。也许Ray或Kandace可以挤压…
  • SGMOM2您知道如果您煮蔬菜会发生什么(即几乎所有的养育物都被倒入被倾倒的水中,而现在不那么努力的蔬菜被吃掉了)RAW是因为…
  • 我一直以来的最爱根本不是冰淇淋。.我一直比其他任何东西都更喜欢Rainbow Cherbet ..关于果味,奶油,甜味,在我的舌头上跳舞并诱使我的味蕾的东西令人难以置信。不幸的是我没有…
  • 感谢您的建议Justine ..它根本不是负面的,事实上,这是一个很好的提醒。我还没有试图更换她的任何瓶子。.当我给她一些水果时,这更多的是瓶子之间的零食(我从不给她一汤匙o……
  • Justbeautiful:Baraan明天刚好四个月。这仍然让我惊讶她长大了这么快。感谢Rawrach关于坚果的信息……我不确定我是否想给她任何东西..我认为最好等到L…
  • Justbeautiful您的照片也很可爱!你儿子现在几岁?
  • Mopoke:这是一句不错的说法,这是一个很好的建议……我要记住这一点。Justbeautiful:这绝对是有道理的,我要让她告诉我她想要什么和多少..她将学会告诉我她喜欢什么...
  • 哦,也许有人可以告诉我什么不起作用……我想尽力避免任何错误。再次感谢!
  • Hi evildarkvirus… I’m not one to ring my own bell but if you read all the stories then you read mine too it’s the one titled “Wheelchair for Sale” it’s on page 115. When I wrote that I felt like I was in a dream.. you just never know how bad it can …