万一有配方与NO:日期、腰果、Nama Shoyu和脱水


Ok我的问题是,你更喜欢使用Agave日期的配方吗?日期超值 我不知道你们怎么买用它 +它糖含量高 甘油指数低每天最多一二分时我很少吃日期 因为它们超甜多贵

raybet 好用吗Also Cashews I have my reasons for not eating them I read The Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens MD he CLEARLY WARNS the raw community why or why we should not eat Cashews(I am sure in moderation it is ok but most raw recipes there are tons of Cashews in like everything and a lot even if they were ok it is still A LOT OF ONE KIND OF NUT!), he did the lab research, medical and scientific research with data to back it up, so either people have not read this, do not care for the research, ignoring it, or most people tell me "Cashews is so inexpensive and easy to use" yeah and I tell them your health is your most valueable thing and should be promoted and protected it should not matter how inexpensive or easy something is to use or eat if it isn't the most healthy or good for you why would you do it?

Same with nama shoyu, with Dehydrating I do it for fun but I know people who eat a lot of dehydrated foods and they are very dry, dry looking, dried out, aged, this is because we are supposed to HYDRATE more not DEHYDRATE MORE, meaning we should get more water and liquids from our food not less, most of us are dehydrated and may not be drinking enough water as is, when you eat dehydrated foods you are supposed to drink MORE WATER to compensate…I do make and eat dehydrated foods but only a little and only for fun once in a while…




  • 刚和朋友通电话 完全滑稽真实故事 菲尼克斯亚利桑那州发现沙拉类型时超级高兴, 当她看到绿豆时,她想解答服务员是否为RAW望着她说:"为什么是,这是RAW开罐并倒入沙拉吧中,:D完全滑稽真实故事发生于今日, 我笑SUPERHARD, 仿佛我听过最滑稽的事情, 因为它没有冷冻,

  • 深入访问解释我为何脱机生存以及我究竟想说什么:http://rawepicurean.net/2008/11/06/bryan-au-an-...

    真正捕捉到我的口味 为何我推广RAW并存FREESEDEWAYS,Discounts和RAWSECDS:D

    原始拥抱Bryan Au

  • 苏索里亚苏索里亚 原始Newbie

    花水大餐中我常使用Nama Shoyu, 主要是亚洲菜菜菜中, 因为我喜欢咸咸/沙乌里不清楚你对namashoyu的反对是什么 也许你可以解释

    我不常使用日期 或我需要使用甜点日期为固态食物和液态,我不认为它们互换性举例说 生坚果派壳 用agave糖浆代替日期 没有合适的纹理

    腰果可能比核桃少点使用 松果、马达米亚坚果、向日葵种子或南瓜种子有几色调料我喜欢调腰果

    问题真正让我感兴趣 : '如果它不是最健康或最优待你,你为什么要这样做?'可能出于同样的原因你吃脱水食品'偶尔取乐'

    仅为我自己说话, 因为我不正交我喜欢食物我喜欢美食我不吃任何我不觉得美味的东西对我来说食物不仅仅是燃料食用比热量和养分还多从食物中获取感官快感, 享受与爱人分享食物的社会方面,人吃我制作的菜并说'哦,太好吃了'时,我就会得到自大感

    raybet12我没有成为素食者或后来成为素食者为我的健康服务,我这样做是出于其他原因,吃更多生菜为我享受食物添加了另一个维度。同时,我不认为自己从不和朋友喝红酒 或为我哥生日烤蛋糕 只因为这对我不利这些东西为我整个生活增添了很多
