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钢琴钢琴 Raw Newbie

do any of you live in or around memphis, oklahoma city, northern texas, or santa fe? basically my mission is to find the coolest places to visit on my road trip.




p.s. i started a similar thread about the south这里, so if you are familiar with places in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and/or Georgia, please feel free to let me know as well!


  • chriscarltonchriscarlton Raw Newbie


  • DaniefonDaniefon Raw Newbie

    Hi, I live in Denton, Texas, which is a pretty forward thinking town. There are 2 universities there, one is a big music and art school. However, I am not sure how interesting it would be to an outsider. It is about 30 miles from the Texas/Oklahoma border. However, Austin, Texas, 200 miles south is a fantastic town. It is full of art, music, and outdoor activites in a beautiful setting. It’s a funky, free thinking, hippieish place. It would be well worth the detour.

  • CalebCaleb Raw Newbie

    I am also from Denton. It’s a cool little town with a few coffee shops, both serve tea as well. I have always called Denton a “mini-Austin” although it is not quite is liberal. There is a small community theater here too that has shows playing a lot, although I have never been to one. I could recommend some good eats if you were not raw. The closest thing here is Mr. Chopsticks that has plenty of vegetarian options. I am not sure how raw your diet is but there is also a vegan cafe called Spiral Diner located in South Dallas and Fort Worth, I haven’t been yet but have been dying to try it out. Oh, and if you happen to be in Denton and need to restock on raw supplies. The Cupboard natural food store is your best option. There is also a fairly decent local music scene here as well, although I’m not as tied into it as I once was. Good venues exist here: Hailey’s, Dan’s Silver Leaf and Rubber Gloves are the best.

  • schmoopeeschmoopee Raw Newbie

    我在圣达菲 + NM生活了10年,但我不记得一个生/纯素食的地方!我认为SF中的Cafe Oasis有一些生。那里也有一个野生燕麦市场,它将具有原始外卖。肯定要乘坐10,000波浪潮,日本水疗中心……$ 20,用于无限制的热水浴缸 +桑拿。它真的很漂亮和特别。http://www.tenthonsywaves.com。对于音乐而言,El Farol真的很有趣,我认为它是美国最古老的酒吧www.elfarolsf.com如果您有时间,您应该去像阿尔伯克基(Albuquerque)外的阿科马(Acoma)这样的印度普韦布洛http://sccc.acomaskycity.org/。这与安·威格莫尔基金会有些接近,http://www.wigmore.org/index.html。或Taos Pueblo,http://www.newmexicohistory.org/filedetails.php…Taos is amazing too.

    You might want to think about looking on rawfood.meetup.com, it’s local communities that get together for raw potlucks. I’m sure they would welcome a raw traveler. What a great way to meet other raw fooders! Here’s Santa Fe’s,http://www.meetup.com/rawfoodsnm/

    http://www.santafe.org/calendar/Have fun!! I’m jealous, I miss Santa Fe everyday.

  • Austin, TX. It’s called “Live music capital of the world” for a reason. Even in grocery stores you see people playing music. And everyone is so cool about it. There’s a raw foods section in WF headquarters located on 6th/Lamar st. There’s also a very big raw food meet-up group who meets every first saturday of the month, I’ve been to it only once though. There’s farmers market downtown every Sat & Wed. See the list of farmer’s markets in and around Austin, you can find one almost everyday.


  • schmoopeeschmoopee Raw Newbie

    oh! if you do go to taos something really fun just outside of Taos is the earthship community. Earthships are homes people have built that are off the grid, completely self-sustained and built from recycled materials. They’re quite cool. I don’t know if there are any tours, but in my experience the homeowners LOVE showing off there all the bell and whistles.

    Or you could pretend to be a buyer;)http://www.taosearthships.com/

  • 钢琴钢琴 Raw Newbie


    chriscalton—i’ll be going through the Carolinas as part of the “pre-ATL” portion of my road trip.;)

    Daniefon,Caleb,Tggoeraw - 您正在让我重新思考包括奥斯丁的路线。那意味着要经历阿拉巴马州和密西西比州(我一直在训练写一生),也许是巴吞鲁日?我听说没有音乐界搬到那里。想法?

    schmoopee—i will DEFINITELY be heading to that spa! yay! what an encyclopedia you are!

  • 钢琴钢琴 Raw Newbie

    p.s. could anyone recommend cool places in austin?

  • 我刚从孟菲斯搬走。去中城!P&H Cafe是我的闲逛,但Cooper-Young地区有一些很酷的地方。蓝猴和Hitone总是有很棒的音乐,而Hitone是猫王参加空手道课程的建筑。Midtown是Artsy Cool区域,是我的最佳建议。Beale St引起了所有注意,但是除非Dempseys在布鲁斯市玩耍,否则我会避开价格过高的饮料和封面……

  • DaniefonDaniefon Raw Newbie

    钢琴, what types of places are you looking for in Austin? music, art, food, outdoors, etc.

  • 钢琴钢琴 Raw Newbie


    Daniefon—oh my gosh… it’s overwhelming… music places? cheap places to stay?

  • 太棒了!我非常想念那个地方!飞镖板上的墙上可能还有几张我的照片。告诉他们Lovelady寄给您!

  • 钢琴钢琴 Raw Newbie

