


Kicking the coffee habit

卡勒布卡勒布 原始新手

This question is sort of directed at Zoe since I recall her saying it took her forever to quit, but I could use all the suggestions I can get.

When I first started waiting raw I quit it cold turkey, I don’t know how long I lasted, but I eventually started giving in on occasion, on occasion has now turned into a few times a week, but it’s still way less than what I was drinking.


It’s also strange I was able to quit smoking a lot easier than this. I did that cold turkey as well, although I didn’t really consider myself a “smoker” but I was going through a pack of cloves a week.



  • SchmoopeeSchmoopee 原始新手

    我喜欢咖啡,每天喝4杯以上。我也一直想要一个杯子,但是我知道一旦喝酒,我就无法停止,所以我不会。这对我来说是最糟糕的,所以我尝试在早晨的冰沙中增加充满活力的东西 - 卡科为我工作。



  • 我就在你那里。我试图退出冷火鸡,头部最糟糕,我无法正常工作!因此,我开始制作1杯 /天(比以前喝酒的5杯 /天小)。它已经慢慢开始爬上2杯 /天,但不喝完。我想我要回到只酿造1杯,看看我是否可以喝几口,就足够了。然后断奶至1/2杯/天,等等。一旦我倒入1/4杯,我就必须找到其他东西。


    My plan was to make a green smoothie for breakfast instead of lunch, and have that replace my coffee, but it just isn’t the same.

    How about a miso broth, or some other rich broth? As far as steps the kick the habit, I think the bottom line is the association of coffee as a yummy morning treat needs to be broken… it really isn’t a treat if it is toxic, right? but this is easier said than done.

  • 1sweetpea1sweetpea 原始新手


    You should try brewing one of those super condensed, murky Turkish or Lebanese coffees. Throw a few heaping spoons of super dark roast coffee or espresso into a tiny pot with enough water for only a small cup of coffee. Stir as it heats on the stove. Before it starts to really simmer, turn off the heat, give it one last stir, then let the grounds settle before pouring it into your cup. Don’t do anything to sweeten the taste. You’ll have a wickedly sludgy cup of ultra strong rocket fuel coffee. Unless you like your coffee this way (and many do!), it will be so gritty and heady that it might just turn off your coffee cravings for a while. With your ultraclean system on a raw diet, it will probably make you so jittery that you won’t wish to experience that again any time soon. Aversion therapy. Try it. Worst that can happen: you’ll love it and will have found your new favourite beverage.

  • 渡渡鸟渡渡鸟 原始新手


  • 卡勒布卡勒布 原始新手





  • ungratefulungrateful 原始新手




    I don’t mean to sound cold but that’s what they told me in rehab and it works.



  • SchmoopeeSchmoopee 原始新手





  • 1sweetpea1sweetpea 原始新手

    Schmoopee, do you find that your ADD has been positively or negatively affected by your having gone raw? Have the people around you noticed and commented at all? I have a friend who has severe ADHD and won’t take Ritalin. His diet is horrendous. I believe that if he changed his diet, he’d improve immeasurably, but I’m sure he’ll never go that route. He just loves his meat, dairy and junkfood too much.

  • 尝试花花公子混合。它制成了一个很棒的“拿铁”,并用蒲公英制成。它不是原始的,而是我尝试过的最好的咖啡替代品,而且健康!在此处订购:http://www.dandyblend.com/我认为最好摆脱成瘾而不是退出冷火鸡,以这种方式复发。

  • SchmoopeeSchmoopee 原始新手

    Hi 1sweetpea, I feel much clearer eating raw. The biggest change for me has been a huge reduction in stress. Part of being ADD is that you spend alot of time with anxiety about what you need to do and how to get it done rather than just doing it. That’s gone. My friends + coworkers have for sure noticed that I am much less stressed and happier—I don’t get frustrated or impatient anymore.


    hope that helps!—schmoop

  • 卡勒布卡勒布 原始新手


  • achin70achin70 原始新手

    Dr. Mercola recommends Tulsi tea. Also, the Irish Macaffee recipe on this website tastes a little like a cappuccino. Good luck!:)



  • 1sweetpea1sweetpea 原始新手

    谢谢Schmoopee。您的名字让我发笑,让我想起了Seinfeld的一集(“您是Schmoopee-Face…”)大声笑!我的这个带有多动症的朋友有一个不断的古怪习惯清除喉咙。他说他必须这样做。我坚信,一旦他从饮食中消除乳制品以及精制的糖和加工垃圾食品,他的喉咙清除就会消失。我知道他永远不会做,但是很高兴得知有可能通过饮食控制这种情况。我一直相信这一点,但从来没有能够与他或其他任何人一起付诸实践。如果有人认为我们已经完全脱离了话题,我会补充说,他喝了很多咖啡和可乐 - 咖啡因,他绝对不需要给他能量!

  • 卡莱布,我也很难结束与咖啡的恋爱关系。我想我将其与心理休息和放松相关联。我并没有真正开始喝它来早上醒来,而是为了味道。我们在我居住的地方有令人难以置信的当地烤咖啡,而且很好。太难戒烟了。我以前确实辞职了大约一年,因为每当我遇到的时候我都会感到非常恶心,但是由于某种原因,我这次能够忍受它。当您每次生病时都不会生病时,很难退出!我尝试了teechino;它真的很好,您可以在浓缩咖啡制造商中酿造它。蒲公英茶也非常好……我曾经在咖啡店里用花花公子代替咖啡。 Very cleansing too. I’ve found green tea best for the morning hot drink. It give you a bit of a kick and wakes you stomach up in a friendly way. Coffee usually kills my hunger for a few hours and then I’m ravenous when I do get hungry. Ughh. Good luck on your search for the perfect non-caff hot drink!

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