
好吧,,我已经这样做了2个多月了……随着我的前进,我一直在增加..我的体重越波动!I have not looked in a week.. and now I get on the scale and I am up almost 2pds.. I can’t figure it out,, I have had nothing that is not raw in the last 3 days ( Sometimes I still need a little NON RAW FOOD),, Not PMS’ing yet.. Just loosing my mind and I am very..very frustrated! Thanks for any ideas, comments… Has anyone else been there??


  • 吃很多脂肪?尝试下载Cronometer(Google It)以跟踪您的卡路里。我不是为了卡路里跟踪,但是当某人似乎都关乎重量时,也许他们应该尝试。通常,您吃的越好,身体就越平衡,体重将会减轻,但是您会听到人们的故事。

    我跟踪自己的卡路里,我不想减掉(我也不在乎我是否会增加体重) - 看到我的摄入量以及它的来源很有趣。不过,这并不需要,但是也许可以帮助您,因为您不能减肥,甚至不知道它。
