
多汁多汁 原始新手

好的,所以现在我有了您的注意,我真的需要帮助。今年夏天,我将植树。整个营地都有一个厨师,但我知道他们已经容纳了素食主义者,所以我敢肯定这不会那么困难。我想我白天仅限于水果,晚上沙拉 - 但是水果的选择很烂,所以我可能不得不在休息日购买一些自己的东西。但是,我的问题在于我需要超级食品 - 在营养和能量方面易于携带并打包最大的东西。我真的需要一些想法 - 我无法带任何设备。另外,它们使用的水是大量的氯化,我需要找到一个可以固定在它们所拥有的巨大水罐上的滤水器,或者在我的饮料中放入或沿着这些线上放入的东西。我真的很感谢任何帮助,因为我对此感到非常紧张!


  • 蓝军蓝军 原始新手




  • 好吧,我会带大麻。大麻种子撒在所有物体上,并大麻蛋白粉混合到您的早晨水或果汁或其他任何东西中。这是那里最好的“超级食品”,它将帮助您保持精力充沛和滋养。Probably I’d bring a green powder too since it might be hard to get yer greens in. I have worked as both a treeplanter and a cook’s assistant in a planting camp (not while raw though) and it seems like if you get a friendly cook you could bring your own things to make energy balls in the evenings yourself. Combos of goji berries, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, cacao, chlorella, should keep ya going. I wouldn’t be nervous about it,just by eating raw you’ll be so much better off than everyone else there. I remember the food I used to eat planting and it’s suprising I survived. How is anyone supposed to do physical labor while living on peanut butter sandwiches and cookies!! I actually want to go planting again in the future just to see the difference the raw diet would make. I bet I could haul ass now!
