



Ok so I know that health isn’t some magical “number” that I should be striving for but I’ve been the fat/over weight/chunky/plus-sized girl for far too long now and while it’s slowly coming off (the weight that is) all I can think about is how much I want to be thin enough to walk into ANY store and fit into the clothes. For a long time I thought that a size 10 would be a great size for me, I’m 5’2”. However I’ve stopped measuring by a scale since a) most don’t go high enough for me and b) they can be deceiving… I simply take my measurements instead. I have no clue what an average size 10’s measurements would be so if there are any size 10s out there that would mind sharing their measurements with me so I have a “target” area to work towards? Or maybe someone knows better than I and can give me advice as to where a healthy size for me is? Maybe I’m unrealistic? Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Thanks! K-Mom


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