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Over the holidays, Dera Grandparents bought us a Dear Fishy (betta). Being Dear Mommy, I wassaddened to see Dear Fishy swimming sideways in the bowl. Another one to flush? Oh no! As a last resort I figured that I would google “betta fish swimming sideways.” Little did I know that I opened up upon a most intersting topic. Dear Fishy was constipated, thus effecting his swim bladder and causing the sideways swimming thing.

作为亲爱的妈妈,我遵循了T. boil的指示(是的!)一个绿色的豌豆,去除皮肤,在牙签的末端擦一只pice,然后绕过(活诱饵),以鼓励亲爱的鱼片吃饭它。然后,它承诺要在几分钟内修复亲爱的鱼类。

Well, as I was dangling my toothpick and sharing words of encouragement, dear Family came home to Crazy/Dear Mommy. Although I readily shared the dilemma (my kids are too old to become weapy-eyed over this) and my “fix” I was greated by concerned stares….THEY CLAIMED THAT I WAS ATTEMPTING A MASTER CLEANSE ON THE FISH!

Yes all, Dear Mommy is so raw/health crazed that she is now cleansing the Dear Fishy. If they put me away, do you think that I will still have internet access???

Hope I made you smile (BTW, 5 minutes later, Dear Fish pooped and swam like a champ!)



  • MunchieMunchie 原始新手

    That is great! ha ha. Don’t worry if you don’t have internet access. We’ll all come visit and bring you copies of the posts and new recipes to try when you get out, haha. :o) That made my day! Thank you! ;o)

  • So glad…I thought it was hysterical (which made me look that much stranger!) Thanks for the offer. Bring food too….raw gruel? Ugh!

  • OMG That is FABULOUS!! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face! =]

  • That is too cute…But then again I know folks who大师清洗(有所修改)他们的猫+狗!I gotta remember this pea thing cause I have had betas in the past who’ve been flushed or left to suffer (didn’t want to flush them still alive and thought maybe they’d get better somehow) doing this whole side-swimming thingy, great to know what it is now (and Oops I guess I would have caused that too wouldn’t I??) and how to fix them should I ever decide to get more. I think a photo of the look on the family’s faces would have been a money maker! Thanks for a good laugh! K-Mom

  • sbutteramflysbutteramfly 原始新手


  • 玛利希萨玛利希萨 原始新手


  • 多汁多汁 原始新手

    Amazing. One of the most hilarious things that could possibly happen. I can totally picture the looks of shock on your family’s face. Thank you for sharing!

  • 那真是有趣!我喜欢它!

  • 很高兴你们都喜欢那个。我有一只关于我们的狗很有趣的人(ier),但如果你们都乞求……我可能愿意分开……:)

  • A constipated fish? That’s hilarious!

  • Okay…no one wants to hear my next story…???

  • Awww…..go ahead. How can we refuse?

  • If it’s even half as funny as the first I definately want to hear it!

  • okay…

    I finally came upon a website that suggested purchasing some feminine cleansing products…claiming the change in pH would benefit the situation. So off to the store I went. Poor guy behind the registered thought I was some kind of skank…6 bottles of douche on a Monday morning. Some kinda weekend, eh?

    Well I got home and started washing the dog down. Hating chemicals, I did the best I could. Just then teenage son comes home. Picture this…douche boxes etc. strewn all over the backyard. Poor kid. Gave me a sheepish hello and got on the phone.
    “Dad, something wrong with Mom. She is douching the (male) dog.” (there is a pause and then “No, externally.”



  • omshantiomshanti 原始新手


  • rawmamarawmama 原始新手


  • 奇怪的是,番茄汁不起作用(显然!)

  • hahahahahahahaha. great stories hippie chick.

    I just ended the evening on a bit of high note. Thanks!

  • 哦,天哪,这些是有史以来最有趣的故事!我和女儿一起读了他们,我们俩都流下了眼泪。谢谢!!

  • ZoeZoe 原始新手


  • MunchieMunchie 原始新手

    第二个与第一个一样好!现在,这就是我的幽默……; o)希望我的生活令人兴奋,大声笑。

  • 太有趣了!当你丈夫收到这个消息时,我不会看到他的脸!但是我同意它可以肯定的是使用番茄汁的节拍似乎从来没有散发出所有的气味,而且我们的狗似乎由于某种原因而害怕tomatos,因为当我们试图用它洗净她时,她吓坏了……我一定要经过这些故事在!谢谢嬉皮小鸡!

  • Thank you! Story one – funny…story two – I almost fell off my chair!

  • Glad you are all laughing…sounds kind of Seinfeld-ish, huh?


  • 椰子椰子 原始新手


  • Wow, what incredibly funny stories!! And yeah, I can see them making great sitcom scenarios- no need to change anything! Thanks for the great entertainment HippieChick!:)

  • Glad you liked it!

  • 有趣的故事。关于鱼,我在西雅图遇到了一些原始人,他们喂了他们的户外鱼生食。raybet12他们吃生蔬菜,健康又大。鱼在某一时刻生病,他们尝试了生食,因为它可以治愈我们,所以为什么不这样做。raybet12另外,鱼类不是他们从湖中自然吃的东西,所以我想原始的陆地食品是下一个最好的事情。

  • 多汁多汁 原始新手

    Seriously hilarious stories! I have told at least 10 people about the fish one, and now I have another to share! Everyone laughs just as hard as I did the first time. Thanks for sharing!


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