




所以这是我的问题……什么时候可以/建议开始在婴儿的配方中添加东西?Baraan is now 2.5 months and even though I really don’t want to vaccinate her there are ALOT of children who are coming down with measels right now and there is also a rash of whooping cough starting… the amount of sick kids and the severity of the illnesses has given me enough reasons to decide to vaccinate Baraan. I know it’s not so good and I’m sure there’s bound to be toxins but I’m thinking she’s still a bit too young for me to start adding anything to her formula. Oh and forget asking the docs here… They don’t know “natural” anything, they are大的药物推动者和爱心吓play人认为除非您服用十亿药或注射,否则任何人都没有得到治愈。我知道那里有很多父母在原始/自然饮食上成功地抚养健康的孩子,我希望你们中有些人可能会有建议……

我很想知道我是否做出正确的决定对巴兰的疫苗接种?If I was back in the US where there is better health care and treatments available and not many sick children I probably wouldn’t vaccinate her but I’m very worried that if she got sick here it would be very serious and I want to prevent that.



  • 这是我正在挣扎的事情,因为大学“需要”疫苗接种。我真的很好奇这个话题!

  • 没有疫苗接种是安全的。如果您的孩子得到母乳喂养,她将拥有所有必要的免疫力。您可以向道格·格雷厄姆(Doug Graham)询问这个话题,因为他正在抚养一个年幼的孩子,该孩子从出生时是100%生,我敢肯定,从来没有服用过任何形式的药物或疫苗,她的生活没有生病,她已经三年了(他声称她的鼻子流鼻涕约10分钟):)
