Hello Beautiful!







  • 嗨,显然乳房最好,泵送母乳,因此其他人可以喂养婴儿。否则,胡萝卜汁几乎与养分/蛋白质等的母乳相同。非洲的母亲给婴儿大麻牛奶。我和我的姐姐都给了我们的婴儿喂了一个由年轻椰子的汁液制成的牛奶,与几汤匙的大麻果混合在一起,然后紧张,以便在瓶子里起作用。我们的婴儿喜欢它,尽管他们已经几个月大了,否则我们给了他们乳房以外的任何东西。

  • 我有三个孩子,她确实需要等待五到六个月。在此之前,独家母乳是必不可少的。之后有几个选择。虽然我最小的仍然主要是乳房,但我也给了他杏仁奶,这个网站有一个食谱。作为甜味剂,我建议浸泡的枣或枫糖浆。您也可以使用带有少量甜味剂的无花果中的液体。或者,芝麻牛奶(制作相同的杏仁牛奶)。芝麻的钙确实很高。或者,在一瓶4盎司的水中喝一茶匙糖蜜。我儿子真的很喜欢。 There are so many healthy options. I would just really wait until five or six months before introducing something new into your grandchild’s diet.

  • Hi, I stumbled on the raw thing by ending up at the Funky Raw festival last year as a performer. My partner & I have two children. The youngest is 3.5 months and is on about 25% breast milk (which is all he can get) and the rest this yukky reduced lactose cow formula. The goat stuff & normal cow stuff has given him terrible colic and we have searched for alternatives but are still scratching our heads. Then I considered what the raw folk would do. So I found this post by rawmumma. I have heard of infants dying when given incorrect food (soya etc) and would like to have a plan to sort our boy out but I would need to be sure that the knowledge was sound. Can anyone explain more to me…? Thankyou

  • Mom can express her milk for the occasional bottle…just takes a little advance preparation! They can also use well-strained, diluted carrot juice (1 part carrot juice to 3 parts distilled water). If the baby develops loose stools the juice might be too strong and should be diluted with more water. Well-strained, diluted raw almond milk (not commercial) may also be used. I make my almond milk by soaking 1 cup of almonds overnight. Pour off soaking water and place almonds in blender. Add 6 cups distilled water, 6 soaked dated and blend until smooth. Can do in 2 batches if blender is not large enough. Strain through fine strainer. Keeps for about 3-4 days in refrigerator. Dilute 50-50 for infants. Hope this helps!

  • ZoeZoe 原始新手


  • ChriscarltonChriscarlton 原始新手

    Read up on Jinjee’s methods in her journal athttp://www.thegardendiet.comShe has got to be the world authority on Raw pregnancy and infantcy. She is in the begining of her 5th Raw pregnancy now. Her 4 children are amazing and they are 100% with no supplimentation. They also all have regular check ups and are never ill. You can see for them yourself in their documentary filmBreakthroughwhich you can buy on DVD or download and watch on you PC.

  • http://www.prams.net/, they've got some tips

  • Renib删除了Renib删除了 原始新手

    Hello everyone,


    I'm going to look through the links mentioned above now maybe I'll find also some other options.

    Thank you and talk soon

  • AlexpowellAlexpowell 原始新手
    edited July 2022


  • jamesb2648jamesb2648 原始新手


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