
omshantiomshanti 原始新手

我知道这只是一个本地的地方,但是如果有人在圣地亚哥,我需要去那里!我在城镇下度过了一个艰难的早晨(即使是从外地探访的公司,我也从未去过这个地方……),可以说是律师与律师有关的,每个人都可以一致吟!哈哈,除了我被迫去那里以来,我决定在海洋海滩的鸡舍停下来。这是一家来自友好的员工(几乎我与我接触过的人都拥抱或感动的我)的神话般的商店,到了它所居住的很棒的空间,很难找到物品!他们有三个原始货架,没有一个在隐藏的角落设置的尘土飞扬,这些架子不在这些地方,那里有各种各样的糖果!我带了两个发现,我称其为产品研究,但实际上,它不必制作的好东西!哈哈哈(Hahaaha)来自加利福尼亚州圣安娜(Santa Ana)的毛克家庭农场(Mauk Family Farms)的原始早餐面包皮……真是美味和脆脆的信念,我也喜欢他们的包装和标签。其他许多原始东西都带有废话标签。Grin,and A Karma Kookie,在Poway,Tastey和Great Packaging制作了本地。蓝扁豆和海藻面,迫不及待地想尝试这些!!! I ate lunch at the deli that had not one not two, but three raw choices!! i ordered the big plate and sampled all of them, for 6 bucks….siting inside overlookeing the store was great but they do have a small outdoor patio as well. I joined ( 15 bucks a year) and figure ill make a bimonthly trec down there if only for their kale salad! teehee everyone should go and support a great store, and get a good meal and some very primo grocerys!!! keep your fingers crossed they will carry some of my creations…. but i wont holdit against them if they dont… after all they are the only game in town with seaweed noodles!!!;)
