



omshantiomshanti 原始新手



  • 早晨_theft早晨_theft 原始新手

    谢谢您问Omshanti!我真的很感谢您的关注……好吧,Matt最近一直像一个小宝贝一样照顾她,他们一直在疯狂地纽带。尽管耳朵周围的皮肤仍然非常黄(黄疸),但她似乎表现良好。马特(Matt)一直在喂她牛肉,生鸡蛋,橄榄油和蛋壳的混合物。她不会吃东西,所以我们强迫它(我知道,但别无选择)。她通过了一些巨大的毛球,所以可以解释为什么她首先不吃东西。(I came home from work tonight to find Matt brushing her lovingly, saying he was going to go to go to bed, he works early, and he got caught up brushing her… tee hee) but also, she’s been having some pretty gross bowel movements. We had to give her a shower this morning… That’s how bad it got… And the apartment smells a bit like a chicken barn from the ammonia. I have no clue what that means. The bartender today told me that her passing yellow stool means that her liver is gone, but I think she was being kind of a bitch. I mean, wouldn’t they be passing the pigment out somehow? I have no idea, I hope I’m right. Her noni juice hadn’t arrived yet, maybe it would make a big difference. She’s been acting a lot better, doesn’t hide anymore and puts up a big fight when I try to feed her, which is a great sign. You know, I think every cat owner should know this, CATS CAN’T FAST!!! How is this not common knowledge???

  • 佐伊佐伊 原始新手

    我对您所说的“猫无法快速”感兴趣。我已经在许多生猫书中读到,在生病时快速猫是个好主意,有些人每周将您的猫放在一天中,这对他们的健康是个好主意。I have never done it because my cat would scream blue murder if I dared not feed him and I always thought, perhaps I should try and do it, so what makes you say they can’t fast…I think I am looking for a reason to not feel guilty about not fasting my cat!


  • 是的,我爱动物,我想知道什么是最好的。但是,似乎没有任何削减和干燥的答案。我读过的一些事情说,肾脏\肝脏问题的低蛋白质,而另一些则说没有试图将猫禁食 - 他们需要蛋白质真的很糟糕。有某些可用的草药或蔬菜支持肝脏功能,例如朝鲜蓟或柠檬,但谁知道猫是否可以处理类似的东西。


  • 佐伊(Zoe) - 我认为我读了和你一样,关于宠物每周应如何禁食。I couldn’t do it with my cat cause he’d flip out (also I find him to be too thin as is so I’m trying to fatten him up), and I wouldn’t do it with my ferrets cause they’re so small and their digestion goes too fast… but I have done it once or twice with my dog. I think I did it once when he wasn’t going potty and I thought maybe he was constipated… so I didn’t want to feed him too much and possibly make it worse.


  • 早晨_theft早晨_theft 原始新手


    我没有给他们生鸡肝,因为我根本无法获得!Around here, no store that I went to so far was willing to even talk about them having organ meat from their chickens, and we don’t have a specialty meat shop in our area (we don’t own a vehicle and this is a ridiculously huge sprawl) So the only organ meat I could get would be beef liver or pork, and I refuse to buy those. All the toxins are in the liver, of course, and the beef industry is so disgusting I don’t want to know what’s in it. And pork??? Even worse! I’m going to try to find a source for that, for sure, I haven’t even had a day off work since she got sick though so it’s tricky.

  • 早晨_theft早晨_theft 原始新手

    Just a bit of an update, if anyone is interested: I’m still trying to get that noni juice for her so I haven’t given her that yet, but I did get some Milk Thistle seed and ground it up, added it to her food. After one day she’s walking around a bit more, looking a little more alert, jumping on my lap and purring… Generally seems like an improvement! She won’t eat yet but she agreed to lick her food a bit when we shoved it in her face. Obviously that wasn’t enough, but it’s progress. Her eyes are still dilated and she feels a little frail, but I think things are getting better.

  • 早晨_theft早晨_theft 原始新手


  • 哦,是的,我听说过牛奶蓟!棒极了!我很高兴听到她更好!

  • DeborahannDeborahann 原始新手


  • omshantiomshanti 原始新手


  • 早晨_theft早晨_theft 原始新手

    Deborahann,对不起,我不承认您之前的建议,我真的应该有,我被那该死的兽医从给她的药物的想法所拒之门外。显然,马特(Matt)声称他以前将其列为我的另一种选择。当然。好吧,我认为直到我的猫专家姨妈建议它,这很可惜,她可能会更好。无论如何,她变得好多了,我很惊讶。Today when I fed her I accidentally rubbed some of her food on her face and a few minutes later I saw Bender licking her :c) She seemed to enjoy it and licked him back, I’m sure she didn’t know what his true reason was. T’was cute.

  • 早晨_theft早晨_theft 原始新手

    Deborahann,对不起,我不承认您之前的建议,我真的应该有,我被那该死的兽医从给她的药物的想法所拒之门外。显然,马特(Matt)声称他以前将其列为我的另一种选择。当然。好吧,我认为直到我的猫专家姨妈建议它,这很可惜,她可能会更好。无论如何,她变得好多了,我很惊讶。Today when I fed her I accidentally rubbed some of her food on her face and a few minutes later I saw Bender licking her :c) She seemed to enjoy it and licked him back, I’m sure she didn’t know what his true reason was. T’was cute.

  • DeborahannDeborahann 原始新手

    没问题 - MT-当他们生病时,这真是令人沮丧,我知道您想保持自然的自然,并且当您已经试图强迫饲料时,您想做的最后一件事就是将更多的药丸推下来!不过,听起来她已经转弯了。希望她能为您维持稀薄的身体状况,因为她可能会更容易获得脂肪肝。我已经看到很多胖乎乎的猫去食物了几天,没有问题,然后像您这样的人根本无法处理太多的脂肪动作。最好的祝愿继续康复!



  • 早晨_theft早晨_theft 原始新手


  • TomsmomTomsmom 原始新手


  • omshantiomshanti 原始新手

