
omshantiomshanti 原始新手

香港专业教育学院的卢布找到了不会导致我的皮肤a)燃烧的肥皂,b)干燥可怕的c)感觉很干净……。我正在使用我的朋友homemande goatsmilk肥皂在肥皂盘中弄乱一团糟。我尝试了Castille肥皂,这对我来说很干燥(住在沙漠中,在氯气中游泳)Anyhoo,我在巡游大量的大量肥皂,您可以在线上拿到它,我可以发音。所有列出的成分(素食油,素食甘油,鸡蛋油,芦荟,乳木果油,盐,盐,维生素E和天然色素),称为一种自然,www.onewithnature.com我喜欢他们的公司标签线!:周到,自然发展,负责任地破坏了!我很高兴(在Big Lots)以99美分的速度使用它,现在一个星期都喜欢它!思想id分享,因为他们的东西是在大插曲台上,我猜在普通商店里找到他们会很难在约旦!


  • 你好!听起来真的很棒!谢谢!

  • 嗨,Omshanti!I just checked out the site and you’re in luck.. the company doesn’t actually sell the soaps, they are available through natural stores online and the ones that were listed all say ships in 24 hours.. and they had some pretty good prices.. not sure what you paid at BigLots.. They have 15 different “flavors” in all and they all sound just wonderful… lucky you for finding them.. Have fun! K-Mom
