访问社区我认为大约1.5个月前,我发表了说,我对蔬菜,豆芽等的味道非常反感,而我想要的只是单声道水果。这很奇怪:它没有改变!我仍然不想要蔬菜(尽管有时我可以忍受它们),然后芽使我插科打g。我曾经喜欢芽菜,我可以独自用叉子吃西兰花豆芽。现在,我想要的只是水果,不仅甜,而且是西红柿,尽管非有机会使我感到恶心。最近,我根本没有任何食欲,大部分时间我都不想要任何东西。我的肚子仍然感到饥饿,但他们感觉并不真实,我不想吃。我所能忍受的只是冰沙和水果,甚至有时甚至太“沉重”。这有点令人担忧,因为我再次减肥了,已经有些体重不足了。我在想,也许如果我禁食,我的身体将得到所需的剩余,我将能够恢复正常。 Does that sound right? I can’t juice fast as I don’t have a juicer and water fasting scares me a little because I get hypoglycemic. Would a mono-grapefruit be considered a fast, would that be beneficial at all? Thank you if you had the patience to read all this :c)))
My nutritionist recently posted information about how to do a西瓜清洁。她也提供了使用搅拌机榨汁的说明。我也一直是降血糖(其中大部分已经消失了生食),并发现西瓜是一种很棒的饮料,因为它不像其他水果那样含糖。raybet12
得到一个榨汁机。我认为最好的胡萝卜汁是最好的,然后开始缓慢地加入绿色。如果您是低血糖,胡萝卜很棒,因为它具有大量的碳水化合物和糖,以防止您进行降低。(我是1型糖尿病 - 所以我几乎每天都要处理低调)请确保您每2至3小时吃一次。
The juicing instructions are Dr. Ariel’s blog. She posts here and there about cleanses, etc. In the post about watermelon cleanses, she goes over juicing in a blender, if need be.
Place watermelon in blender.混合好。Use a cheese cloth or nut milk bag to strain the watermelon.
I haven’t actually done a watermelon juice fast, but I do like to make a西瓜冷却器at least once a day during any juice fast.
I did a watermelon fast recently that lasted for three days (as long as the watermelons did). It was amazing how much it cleansed me. I ate the seeds. Watermelon is good for the liver and kidneys. I had edema and the watermelon flushes out the uric acid that can cause it. The next time I do this, I’m going to juice the whole thing in the blender.
Sabriya, you just made me swear loudly, but not in anger or annoyance… Thanks for the tip, I’m not sure if I should be worried about that but I’ll look into that, thank you :c) As far as the watermelon cleanse, whenever I make watermelon juice it makes my stomach VERY sick, one time I threw up everything I put in, still red and everything :c) Now sure why that happens, but I am not overly drawn to it at the moment. Thank you for that idea though!
You’re telling my story. I posted about it in another thread.http://www.goneraw.com/forums/3/topics/1293我确实发现自己只想要甜蜜的东西。你渴望面包吗?今天我没吃太多。有点奇怪。白天我会失去食欲,然后突然饥饿。但是我仍然不想吃。我一直在强迫自己吃饭,因为我想减肥,我不想让自己的体重减轻。虽然,我一直在稳步减肥。很高兴知道我不是唯一的一个。也许我也会尝试一些果汁。Morning_theft,我不想让您再次发誓,但是(扔西瓜?)您听起来很重要。
Try eating oranges—I remember reading somewhere that craving sweets may mean you need more calcium.祝你好运!!!
Rawspring, lol, I told my husband the theory of why I feel this way, and he said “you’d better not be, I mean it” tee hee.Seriously, I doubt it.I don’t even know if it’s possible.Anyway, this is the second day I’ve had nothing but grapefruit.So far, I’ve been craving nothing but grapefruit like mad.I felt like garbage this morning but started feeling much better in the evening, despite being at work and way too active.I’ll try going for a week but if it gets too hard I’ll just stop, no need to be excessive.祝我好运!Thank you all :c))
i read something about raybet12raw foods, and it said that after being raw for a while, your body will naturally gravitate towards fruit. i noticed in about my third week of being raw. my diet is also fruit heavy. i manage to eat a big salad every couple of days, but it doesn’t appeal to me as it used to. i’ve been adding a teaspoon of spirulina to my fruit smooties. also wheat grass juice is amazing! i think i read that one ounce is equal to 10 lbs of vegetable!! you can get a manual crank wheatgrass juicer on ebay for about $20-30 and grow the grass at home.
早晨,我丈夫和我们的儿子说了同样的话。我认为这也不可能。有趣的是如何发生:)Maybe you can take a test to rule that out if you still feel bad in a week or so. I remember when I was pregnant with my son, all I wanted was fruit. Could be detox, though since you are eating mostly raw.