



omshantiomshanti 原始新手

两周前,我以10.99的价格购买了Maranatha Raw Almond Butter(哎呀,但我想要一些并认为它会持续一段时间)我去了亨利斯和整个食品和商人乔斯,当价格是现在的时候,我不敢相信我的眼睛……18.99 !!!!!outr!我打电话给Maranatha检查价格的加倍(仅在RAW上),并被告知价格没有改变!(下巴滴,溅射出现)他们说它是标签错误的或我买的,或者我买了非生菜(eh nooo,我给了他们我的标签和收据),但实际上……有人做了自己的杏仁黄油,如果是这样,可以使用什么油, 向日葵?橄榄油会给它带来很多变化……您的vitamix是否完全放弃了将这些东西融合在一起的幽灵?我喜欢芹菜,并在“吐司”上与枫糖浆混合,当然不要忘记生生杯黄油杯…….HELP !!!!!


  • 我用Vitamix制作自己所有的黄油!它效果很好。我不使用橄榄油,我使用udo,亚麻或用于风味转折,我使用椰子!好吃!而且更便宜!祝好运并玩得开心点。

  • 早晨_theft早晨_theft 原始新手


  • 椰子椰子 原始新手


  • 如果您有Greenstar榨汁机,您也可以通过空白盘子将浸泡的螺母运行,以制成坚果黄油,尽管我还没有尝试过。Marantha Raw Almond黄油据说价格过高,因为原始有机杏仁目前处于短缺状态。我得到的Marantha的最后几罐不仅品尝了古老的和不可思议的,而且所有这些罐子都将其磨碎了。尝试每一口都吃杏仁壳。我觉得不是。相信我,它会阻止您冷落。就我而言,Marantha不仅将您撕开,而且当您最终在他们的坚果黄油中裂开牙齿时,它们还为您的牙医提供了出色的生意。

  • 哇,这是为什么我很高兴能在这里得到坚果的好理由。.20美元不超过这个世界!当然,这也是因为我没有vitamix而感到悲伤:-(。如果我尝试的话,我可怜的小搅拌机会罢工。有人曾经尝试在食品加工机中制作吗?它起作用了吗?很抱歉得知他们的价格omshanti(双关语)变得如此“坚果” ... Biz进展如何?K-Mom

  • omshantiomshanti 原始新手



  • :d我做得很好,很高兴听到您没有用坚果黄油来。No the heat is still here.. Maybe even worse now since we’re in the “Dog days of Summer”, but I’m hanging in there.. on Thursday the doc said that I have about a month and a half left so I’m all excited! I’m starting a little menu of things I need to have on hand for the “Big Day” and things I want to be having in the days after. I’ve been looking at foods which help with energy, milk production and boosting the immune system. So far I have a few items but I still am doing the whole google thing. According to the customer service at USPS they can guarantee to have the box out of the US in 3-4 days, but, after it leaves the US they have no control on the time it takes to reach me.. it is up to the individual countries and their postal services. So I have no clue how long this trip will take my box.. But I will definately post the day it arrives. (The last box my folks sent took aproximately 33 days to arrive so I’m guessing that it should be about the same this time). I was wondering the other day just what kind of horses you have on your ranch? I’ve always loved Morgans and Little Joe’s horse from Bonanza. lol. Take care and good luck with the college street faire!! K-Mom

  • 你有咖啡研磨机吗?我将干杏仁放在咖啡研磨机中。您可以将它们磨碎为几乎是粉末,然后添加以前提到的油制作黄油的一些油。我也没有vitamix,咖啡研磨机比食品加工机好得多。只需确保坚果干燥即可。

  • omshantiomshanti 原始新手




  • Just let me know if you can think of any energy/immune system/mood boosting foods or recipes… I’ve already been promised Halwa (not to be confused with Halva) the day I deliver.. It’s mom-in-law’s Irani-thing. She says that in Iran they make this for the new mom (basically it’s fried flour and dates???) I told her she didn’t have to but she is promising and I’m not sure I can say no to her.. Maybe you know about this? lol.. I’ll be looking for the pics.. Talk again soon K-Mom

  • Omshanti - 橄榄油,亚麻油或您喜欢的任何其他温和油。这确实取决于您拥有的东西和您的口味偏好。实际上,我有时会加水,但这比黄油更像是糊状的。
