

Wanda Vieira Wright是一位美籍美女,最近成为我朋友。 她需要钱在冬季给自己和狗一个温暖的家!





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Wanda Vieria-wright1月12日5点08分

工作26t030小时 免交租金450房东每天收费五度超值128元我的电费 我的互联网和登陆线167water is 40 so there I have to heat the house with the electric space heaters and sometime the oven because the landlord has not fixed the insulation nor the big hole that just has a piece of ply wood to cover it I try my best to shut off the eztra room and Jasper my dog and I stay in main room the house is not inselated at all pretty much all the promises the landlord said were empty so Iam trying my best to pay all my check and which leave me stil behind Jerry and I talked and He know about the situation am looking for another place at least for my healths sake this has pretty much took me down I was in the hospital 3 times mostly the because of the drafty house and stress to be honest to my dear friend I have a tendency to hide and stuff my problems and stress and focus on the now and what i can do I have always prided my self of keeping up with my bills I did until what happened to me so that was than this is now i can not longer beat a dead horse that will not raise i hopre you are praying i really need the prays to our God I hear many i belive He sends angels and many are here and work through human beings you are the first really friend even to listen so I can just get out all the things and release them is a cherished blessing from my dear friend you are so wonderful just to be there like a sister i never had .thank you so muchmy tears are happy tears for you the tears will drop and water the eart to grow the seed of a new beginning thank you xoxox much love i give to you my dear friend Ange


多爱多福 丰盛无穷

