
ras-sadonras-sadon 原始Newbie

raybet 好用吗hey everyone, so I've been raw for about a year now, except for about 2 months of transition I've been mostly 90-100% but I'm having a hard time with bread, pasta and potatoes, I can't really call it craving, but sometimes I just don't wanna eat anything raw, just nothing raw tastes that good and I used to be a huge fan of those 3, so they kinda come as a natural choice when I'm really not in the mood for raw, I don't have guilt feelings but I really don't like the after feeling and would really like to stop but its just hard, I think the main problem is that sometimes organic veggies&fruits diversity is not that wide around here and I can't afford any juicer, dehydrator, food processor or basically anything else that would help me spice things up a bit, as I'm a student and I also live with 3 other roommates in the apartment and the kitchen isn't too large and convenient to experiment with cool raw recipes, anyone good an idea?我感觉卡住


  • 里加99里加99 原始Newbie

    和这里一样 ras我告诉自己:“不,我是素食者,我不想吃熟食。” 过几天后,我忘了吃熟食后我有多难受, 并再次发现自己浸入熟食中昨晚,我有一个可爱的原始日, 后夜打夜间时间一直 真正坏触发我那天晚上,我开始吃几颗橄榄 面包 芥末豆 奶油奶酪花生酱偶而那种感觉会取代我 仿佛我亲眼看到火车故障个人判断受我对SAD食品的非理性行为约束不言自明地说,我停止前我太失控今天,我用甘蓝和葡萄治病 非常净化果实我推荐Swayze5周转换原型 简单得多

  • 约安那巴那约安那巴那 原始Newbie

    RAS,我也有这些渴望只配土豆无面包/pasta,我很好, 但有东西 热马铃薯太好我随机得到这种渴望(我在semper约3马铃薯),但我并不担心它通常是晚饭时间或下班后 我只想热点我想我的身体最终 将不想要熟食

    有个女孩在这里,摇摆, 并写书 关于渴望和如何消除开机前不发布,但当发布时,我建议阅读she绝对是一个良好的建议人 生食.....

  • 3中我建议向马铃薯屈服, 如果你只是想看看试它是否满足你或令你失望,烤马铃薯或泥沙系统似乎更容易处理比其他系统处理少算我2美分

  • 卢德维翁卢德维翁 原始Newbie

    我猜我和其他人都一样, 我会任由你自己拥有你想要的免得太频繁发生 何必心烦意乱自季节茄子、马铃薯和冬季壁炉成熟以来,我们一直在用冬瓜茄子和茄子做土豆,是的,是的,但事后我感觉很好,我们正在支持本地农业,我也感觉很好。我没有像面包或意大利面那样恶心的感觉我觉得他们还是蔬菜 肯定能演上角色冬比夏吃生菜难得多i已想热菜。 ijjjjjjjjjif I don't want anything raw, and I eat a met昨晚我感觉像那样我吃了梨子不久后生菜花椰菜鸡尾酒调味已经很好吃所以我猜自欺人吃生反正 是一个解决办法:

  • ras-sadonras-sadon 原始Newbie

    通常不但不稀有, 我每2至3天都吃一顿饭, 问题在于我不想吃那些熟食, 我的意思是我绝对喜欢吃百分百原菜,我会查博客,多谢忠告
