

在这一集的Raw Food Podcast中,raybet12Rawtarian劳拉·贾恩(Laura-Jane)在果汁raybet12和冰沙之间进行了巨大的对抗。哪一个更好?听和发现!





欢迎来到生食播客的第36集!raybet12我是您的主持人,即Rawtarian的Laura-Jaraybet12ne,今天是一个巨大的对抗:榨汁与冰沙。我们将在Raw Food Podcast上进行此事,因此请继续关注,我很快就会raybet12和您一起回来。

非常感谢您加入我!现在,当播客上只有劳拉·贾恩(Laura-Jane)时,是否有可能对抗冰沙和果汁之间?是的,当然有可能!我可以戴两个帽子。我可以谈论并争论(或反对)其中一个或多个主题。I know you’re probably thinking in your head that you prefer juicing vs. smoothie-ing, or vice-versa – you may have a preference – but of course I’m not afraid to take a stand when it comes to healthy eating or any subject. I think it’s sometimes actually easier (and more important) to just pick a side rather than just being too inclusive and say everything is fine. But in this case, and on this episode, I am going to have sort of a disappointing answer and, of course, I’m going to say: I love smoothies AND I love juices. They’re both beautiful; they both have their place. You can’t really have a face-off or a duke-out between two things that are both amazing. It would be similar to saying, “What’s better: Fruit or Vegetables?” You can’t really just choose one or the other; they both have their place.

So how I thought I would talk about this subject today on The Raw Food Podcast was just go over the basics to make sure everyone was on the same page about what the differences are between juicing and smoothie-ing (I don’t know if that’s a verb, but if not… It is now!). So that is essentially what we’re going to do.

Of course, let me just break it down for you very briefly here: so when you’re making a smoothie, that’s where you’re going to be cutting up some fruit and vegetables, putting it in a blender, and blending it all up. That’s going to be quite thick and it’s going to be in a most simplistic format. Let’s say you’re making a banana smoothie: it’s bananas, just sort of liquefied and all smooshed together, and usually you might – if it’s just bananas, for example – add a little bit of water. Then you’ve got basically pulverized bananas and you’re drinking it. Usually the texture, I’ve heard (and I believe), the best texture for a smoothie is, of course, something that you could eat with a spoon – thick enough to eat with a spoon – or suck through a straw. So it has that nice smoothie consistency. I’m sure most of the people listening to this podcast are familiar with a smoothie! So, of course, that is done with a blender.



当然,我们知道有些人像乔·克罗斯(Joe Cross)一样,来自令人惊叹的电影脂肪,生病和近乎死亡。他确实提倡榨汁,以重置您的身体,并为自己做各种伟大的事情。然后还有其他人,例如维多利亚·布滕科(Victoria Boutenko),就像冰沙女士一样,她就像“一路冰沙!”我本人曾经在冰沙营中更多地在冰沙营中,但这仅仅是因为当我刚开始时,我没有所有的健康设备。我确实有搅拌机,但没有榨汁机。因此,当然,我主要是从冰沙开始的。我喜欢冰沙(我喜欢绿色的冰沙,尤其是在早晨等),但是最近我有了更多的榨汁。再说一次,我并没有真正与一个或另一个联系。我认为他们俩都有自己的位置。


我可能会建议:首先,让我们考虑一下您拥有的设备。就我而言,我已经有一个搅拌机,所以最简单的是制作冰沙。当我们将冰沙与榨汁进行比较时,我真的很喜欢冰沙。使用冰沙(第1号冰沙),您可以使用更多的水果和蔬菜,这意味着 - 鼓卷,请 - 冰沙走得更远;他们制作的便宜。想一想:如果您要制作冰沙,那就是要剥去香蕉并扔掉果皮。您正在切碎苹果,去除核心,并混合整个苹果。您将在搅拌机中使用的水果和蔬菜大多数(如果不是全部)使用。因此,为了吃早餐,我可能想吃几个香蕉,一个苹果,一个橙子,一些水和菠萝。因此,即使我们正在使用所有有机产品,尤其是当我们使用所有有机产品时。 But, in order to make a full breakfast of juice, it’s actually going to take even more, because, remember, when you’re juicing, you’re only drinking a small amount of the actual volume of what you’re juicing. Because the juicer is going to separate out the pulp and remove all the fiber, it’s going to take a lot more input to get the same amount of output. So, I do definitely choose smoothies more often because I find it – especially if you’re using organic produce – it’s more cost-effective to do smoothies than it is to do juicing.

我也确实发现,冰沙往往更容易清理,但仅略有清洁。Before I got into juicing, I used to have this idea that I was really scared of juicing, because I thought, “This contraption, this juicer, is going to have all these compartments, it’s going to be SO hard to clean, and it’s going to take a lot of elbow grease to clean this thing.” And, you know me; I don’t like to clean and I don’t like a lot of effort. So I think I had this idea that juicing was this huge crazy ordeal… and I have to eat my words a little bit on that, because cleaning a juicer is not that much harder than cleaning a blender. It is a little bit more work, but if you have a good juicer that has reasonable parts that can just be taken out, it doesn’t take that much longer. Let’s say: if cleaning your blender is going to take a minute, maybe cleaning your juicer is maybe going to take 2 or 3 minutes or something like that. So it’s a little longer but it’s not a huge difference. But even in that example, cleaning a smoothie-maker (AKA a blender) is easier, because all you have to clean is your actual carafe (or big jug) and lid. So I do love that.

从营养的角度来看,我还必须说:纤维是我们所有人都需要的东西。它有助于所有食物向下移动我们的消化道,然后出去需要出去的地方。纤维非常重要,因此很好 - 当您喝冰沙时 - 您可以从水果和蔬菜中获取所有纤维。因此,这些是在搅拌机中制作冰沙的一些基本好处。

现在,为什么有人喜欢这么多榨汁?好吧,榨汁肯定有很好的一面。首先:因为榨汁时,果汁实际上保留了95%的维生素,矿物质和植物化学物质,这些化学物质正在果汁中。是的,榨汁机会去除纤维,纸浆等,但是出来的果汁就像非常浓密且营养丰富。它确实保留了您榨汁的水果和蔬菜中的95%的维生素和矿物质。基本上,榨汁就像手臂上的主要镜头一样 - 可以这么说 - 令人惊叹的营养。因此,这当然很棒。我有时确实会感觉像是一种巨大的注入(当我有好果汁时),感觉就像是直接进入我的,只是立即被吸收到我的体内,我很喜欢。People do say as well – and I don’t know about the scientific side of this – that normally when you eat, say, an apple, and you’re just eating it on its own, your body needs to actually separate out the fiber and process all of that stuff to get the nutrients out of it, but some people will say (especially if you’re ill or something like that), that maybe if you’re juicing and removing some of the fiber, you’re giving your body a little bit of a break so that it doesn’t have to do all that processing to get everything into your body in that juice form. So that’s one argument people will say about juicing being good is that the juicer is doing all of the work that your body would have to do. But, of course, we do all need fiber to some degree, so I think we wouldn’t want to just be juicing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner over a really long term, because we do need that fiber as well.

榨汁还有什么好?好吧,对我个人而言,在冰沙方面,我不喜欢在冰箱里呆了几个小时的冷冰沙。因此,我根本不想提前制作冰沙,因为我发现它有点不吸引人和粗暴。但是有了果汁,如果我早上做一个非常好的果汁(例如我最喜欢的胡萝卜苹果姜汁),我可以做大量的果汁整天。您不想保留它的时间比一天更长。一旦撞到空气,果汁就会开始氧化并失去一些营养价值 - 它可能会变得时髦。它与杂货店架子上2年的果汁不同,因此您不想将其留长时间。对我来说,我发现,如果您打算做某事,然后整天都喜欢它,那么果汁就会更好。我个人不在乎冰沙,一旦它坐了20分钟; I’m just not into it anymore. So that is one nice thing about juicing as well.


有时候,我可能会在当天晚些时候有果汁代替一顿饭,就像早餐一样。有时,如果您真的听自己的身体,有时您会在想“我真的觉得我很想吃午餐果汁”或类似的东西。其他时候,我认为我想在午餐时吃一个非常巨大的生素食汉堡,所以我并不总是渴望果汁。但是有时候,当您真正听自己的身体时,您可能会与所需的东西保持一致。Particularly, I find if I’ve been having a few really heavy meals in a row, my body just tells me (in no uncertain terms), “I think it feels like a juice would be good for lunch,” and I try to go with that. For me, if I have a craving for a juice, I will make it.

I did mention one of my favorite juices there, which is the carrot-apple-ginger (sometimes I will love to add a lemon in there as well), and that is a very great juice, because – at least where I live – it’s a very inexpensive juice. Whereas, if you’re going to be making watermelon juice or cherry juice or grape juice, the cost of that can add up very quickly; to make a nice big glass of juice out of grapes is going to take a lot of grapes! So [carrot-apple-ginger] is a great option ,and it’s one of my favorite juices.

I would say, again, that if you’re trying to create a healthy habit for yourself – I’ve talked a lot about forming healthy habits: episode 23 of the Raw Food Podcast was “How to Eat Healthy Every Day”, episode 24 talked about how raw food changed my life, and you know I love talking about behavior change and all of those kinds of things; I’m really passionate about that. I think what you wanna do is think about which one appeals to you more, which one is more practical for you. Certainly if you can do both, I think that’s ideal, but (particularly when we’re getting started) it’s easier to just pick one little corner of raw food – for example: “OK. I’m going to do green smoothies every morning” or “I’m going to do green juices every morning.” Pick one thing, really get good at that, and get in a groove rather than try to do too many new things at once, because that can be overwhelming (because you’re just sort of sucking at everything!). Whereas, if you can get something, really get it going, get used to it, and get comfortable with it, THEN you can really start branching out. I would say if you’re just getting started, go with whichever one is more appealing to you. If you’re really on a budget, I would say go more towards the smoothies, but if you don’t have a blender and you own a juicer (or someone regifts you a juicer), then I’d say just go with whichever one is going to work for you.


我还能告诉你什么?好吧,也许我应该对绿色果汁和绿色冰沙进行更详细的介绍。当然,我们喜欢吃水果,因为它们是如此甜美,美味可口。我们喜欢吃蔬菜,因为它们带来了其他营养素,它们也会使甜味有些衰弱,例如平衡。当我在家时,只喝纯果皮对我来说真的很甜,有时几乎太甜了 - 我知道这很难相信。raybet12这位原始人说的东西太甜了!So if we’re adding a little bit of greens to our juices or smoothies to create a green juice or a green smoothie, that can be a really easy way to get people who don’t particularly like greens to get a little bit of greens in their diet.

我们听到了很多关于羽衣甘蓝目前非常时尚的绿色的信息,但是我并不是添加羽衣甘蓝的忠实拥护者,尤其是冰沙,因为它具有如此强烈的羽衣甘蓝味。我绝对建议将菠菜用作绿色,以在您的绿色冰沙中使用,因为它具有最温和的风味。实际上,您可以在真正品尝到它之前添加很多菠菜 - 只要您的搅拌机是一个好的搅拌机,并且可以真正将其融合。因此,这有点关于绿色冰沙,当然,您可能已经听过我在其他情节中谈论的:第3集将绿色冰沙,但也许我又谈论了它。您可以在therawtarian.com/podcasts上查找,但是我要说的是,您通常听到我谈论绿色冰沙以及最佳比例通常是大约2/3的水果和1/3蔬菜。If you keep it generally in that ratio, it’s going to still taste really fruity, but you’re going to get a lot of your daily intake of greens that way, and also (if you find it too sweet) it can dull down the sweetness and bring up that less sweet taste.

现在,当我们谈论绿色果汁时:当我第一次开始榨汁时,我想:“我会在胡萝卜汁中放一小撮菠菜,然后做绿色的果汁。”所以我在榨汁,我把所有的胡萝卜榨汁了。这是一杯美丽的胡萝卜汁,我想:“好吧,我要添加一点菠菜。”因此,我在榨汁机里放了一点菠菜,我榨汁了,您知道果汁结束了什么吗?就像绿色的最微小的眼棒一样 - 一滴菠菜汁!我想获得的观点 - 希望您能得到它 - 是,从中获得一点点绿汁需要太多菠菜。因此,当您尝试制作绿色果汁时,您需要做的是选择已经非常水的绿色,因为否则您将在菠菜上花费约99美元,并获得大约一茶匙的菠菜汁。当然,在这种情况下,非常明显的绿色是黄瓜。这将是一个非常湿的绿色的例子,它将非常有效。

因此,这有点关于榨汁和冰沙。同样,我认为他们俩都很棒。我希望您无论您是谁,都可以做。我真的想不出您不喜欢新鲜果汁或冰沙的原因。我不知道为什么您不会做冰沙或果汁。我知道很多人不是原始或素食主义者(只是普通人)喜欢做冰沙吃早餐的人。实际上,我还听说过,早餐的冰沙和其他替代品变得如此受欢迎,以至于早餐谷物行业实际上不得不关闭一些制造厂,因为谷物的流行程度越来越少。所以冰沙和果汁很棒。它们不是一个新主意,但是似乎正在发生复苏 - 即使是普通人,也不是像您或我这样的人,而是在平均北美文化中 - 令人惊讶的是。

我可能只是说,当我们在这里关闭冰沙方面时,我可能会说:我知道你们中的一些人对香蕉有问题 - 也许您不喜欢香蕉。要记住的一件事是,许多冰沙食谱中有香蕉,原因有几个,但主要是因为香蕉为冰沙增添了如此出色的奶油状态。这就是它们包括在内的主要原因之一是它们具有如此出色的奶油味,也有很多甜味。因此,如果您对香蕉敏感,有讨厌香蕉的孩子,或者可能是香蕉问题(因为我从很多人那里听到了),我只是提醒您,香蕉主要用于奶油味。有时,您可以做的另一件事是寻找具有鳄梨的冰沙,因为鳄梨有很多好脂肪,并且确实给冰沙带来了很多奶油。即使您不认为自己喜欢冰沙中的鳄梨:如果它有很多水果,也不会味道奇怪。它会增加非常好的奶油。

Lastly, what I’ll say to cap that off as well is that when you’re trying to make a recipe (no matter what it is, whether it’s juicing, smoothies, a dessert, an entrée, whatever), when you’re starting to get into substituting things – like “I don’ t have almonds; I’ll use walnuts.” “I hate bananas, but I’ll use an avocado.” Unless you’re really experienced, I suggest not making substitutions. Instead, just look for a different recipe that has all the ingredients that you like. We’re in such an amazing time where now you can look at so many different websites online for different recipes. So if you’re just getting starting out, I definitely recommend trying to avoid substituting too many things in your recipes and instead just look for other recipes that have everything that you need. You’re going to be assured more success if you do it that way. But it is helpful to know, for example: if you hate bananas and all of these smoothie recipes have bananas in them, the bananas are for creaminess. So what else might be creamy? Oh, ok, avocados are creamy, so let’s look for a smoothie recipe that has avocado in it. So it’s helpful to know what you’re looking for, and of course that comes with time and experience.

这就是我在冰沙与榨汁之间并不奇怪的。我认为您会听到我有些偏见,我是冰沙人。我确实喜欢它们,尤其是如果您像我一样拥有惊人的搅拌机。我有Vitamix Blender;它非常昂贵,但很棒。它使一切都如此流畅!您可以将任何东西都放在那里,它出来了,很光滑。您看不到任何块。您不会尝到任何怪异的味道。您只有美丽的奶油冰沙。 So if I had to choose (if you held me down and gave me a noogie on my scalp and said “You have to choose! Which is your preference?”), I would say smoothies. That’s probably just because they’re cheaper to make, so that’s more realistic for me and more practical for a lot of you over the long-term.


您一直在与主持人The Rawtarian一起听Raw Fooraybet12d Podcast。raybet12请务必在Therawtarian.com上访问我,您可以在这里浏览我绝对喜欢的简单,令人满意,原始的纯素食食谱,这些食谱很快就可以从简单的食材中制成并味道令人赞叹。While you’re there, be sure to sign up for my newsletter and you’ll get a PDF of 11 of my most favorite, most satisfying, most delicious recipes: including Raw Vegan Alfredo Sauce, Raw Brownies, and a whole host of other delicious recipes that you can make at home that are raw and taste amazing. Thank you so much for joining me and I hope to hear from you very soon. Until next time, enjoy your raw adventure!




好约翰 - 我们是对立的:)但是他们俩都有自己的位置 - 可以访问这两种设备是理想的选择。我发现我在夏天喝更多的果汁。



我有一个Breville Juice喷泉,约为150美元。这不是冷压榨汁机,但对我有用,价格合适。:)这是我拥有的:http://tinyurl.com/k2q8gqg









我有一个Breville Juice喷泉,约为150美元。这不是冷压榨汁机,但对我有用,价格合适。:)这是我拥有的:http://tinyurl.com/k2q8gqg





好约翰 - 我们是对立的:)但是他们俩都有自己的位置 - 可以访问这两种设备是理想的选择。我发现我在夏天喝更多的果汁。

