



  • 奶油坚果:腰果,澳洲坚果,松子坚果等。
  • 面粉状坚果:杏仁,葵花籽,榛子,南瓜种子等。
  • 油性坚果:核桃,山核桃等。






您好,欢迎来到Raw Food Podcast的第5集。raybet12我是您的主持人劳拉·简(Laura-Jane),即《原raybet12始人》(Laura-Jane),在这一集中,我们将谈论生食谱中的坚果替代品。raybet12请继续关注,我很快就会和您一起回来。


非常感谢您加入我的加入 - 这是Raw Food Podcast的第5集,今天我们正在谈论坚果。raybet12我们为什么要谈论坚果?好吧,众所周知,借助我简单,令人满意,令人满意的食谱,我确实使用了很多坚果,对于新食品饮食的新手来说,这通常是非常受欢迎的食谱。raybet12多年来制作生食的人通常会逐步淘汰那些较重的基于坚果的食raybet12谱,但我知道,对于我来说,当我第一次去两年半前,它们对我来说真的非常重要,我仍然很喜欢偶尔让他们。我收到了很多有关坚果和种子的电子邮件和问题,而我得到的主要问题与坚果过敏有关。很多人可能会说他们在屋子里有家人,尤其是孩子,他们可能会过敏,所以这就是我最近一直在考虑坚果的原因之一。我有很多人问我:“我可以在这样的食谱上替代什么样的坚果?”因此,这就是我开始考虑坚果的原因,但是我认为这一集确实与有兴趣吃更健康的生食饮食的人真正相关,这些饮食可能包括坚果和种子。raybet12我今天要谈论的是将不同的坚果和种子代替其他人的想法 - 但这不仅是因为过敏。这也可能是因为也许您在家,匆忙,您没有一定的坚果或种子,您想快速替换以节省您去杂货店的旅行。 And another thing too: it could be that you’re trying to keep your budget down in terms of spending less (spending less is always a good thing!), and so sometimes you might find that prices fluctuate where you are, and you might be able to get a better deal one week on a certain type of nut. Or, I know, in my case for example, pine nuts where I live are super, super expensive, and I just don’t even use them. But I’ve learned that if I see pine nuts in a recipe, I know that I can substitute a different nut. And so these are really important skills to have - the skill of course being knowing which nuts and seeds you can substitute for one another.


因此,在今天下午打开麦克风之前,我对此进行了一些思考,然后记下了一个事实,即有三种类型的坚果。我要参加这三个小组。通常,每组中的坚果(或有时是种子)可以互相交换。我将很快详细介绍这三种类型的坚果,但我想我也将首先谈论树坚果。我知道人们确实有很多树坚果过敏,这似乎是当今更常见的事情,尤其是在儿童中。我们也确实发现,当我们将食物带到Potlucks或将孩子带到学校时,我们必须要小心,并带有一些原始的食谱或一些生饼干或生核桃蛋糕以及这种类型的东西。raybet 好用吗您必须注意,有很多人有过敏。Now I don’t have any allergies myself, and nobody in my immediate family has an allergy, and I’m certainly not an expert on tree nut allergies, so, by all means, I just want to put that out there and make sure that if you do have a serious nut allergy, what you know is probably better than what I know.

但是我确实知道,这里有很多所谓的树坚果的清单,实际上包括许多不同的螺母。我认为这可以是杏仁,腰果,澳洲坚果,山核桃,松子(我之前提到的),椰子,菲尔伯特,榛子,巴西坚果,开心果……我可以坐在这里,我可以坐在这里,我可以坐在这里,long list, but I don’t think you’d find that too interesting, now would you? There are a ton of nuts out there, and once you include seeds, too, it really is quite a big topic. Anyway, we won’t go too much into the tree nut detail, but I think it’s really important to know. So those tree nuts that I mentioned - people are often allergic to those - and of course you have peanut allergies as well - which, interestingly, does not seem to be a tree nut, but perhaps that’s a separate allergy. I don’t know, but if anybody’s an expert on that, I’d be interested to hear your experience from a personal perspective if you have a really severe nut allergy in your family.


让我回到一开始我提到的这三个坚果概念。我要打电话给奶油坚果的第一个。如果您熟悉我的食谱,您甚至可以在一些可能使用奶油坚果的食谱的想法中思考。当我说“奶油坚果”时,我真正意思是您可以在食谱中使用坚果,以使其具有奶油状的,几乎像乳制品一样的替代品。我在这里想到的一些奶油坚果的例子是腰果,这是 - 天哪,我不应该开始解释每个螺母,否则这一集会很长!但是基本上,您有腰果,有松果,并且杏仁氏菌坚果。这些都是白色的坚果,而且脂肪很高,而且非常奶油。一些可能使用奶油坚果的食谱的例子是我的生芝士蛋糕食谱。我最喜欢的坚果是腰果,所以我的很多食谱都包含腰果。您有我的芝士蛋糕食谱,还有我的阿尔弗雷多酱食谱……还有什么? There’s oodles of them. I’ve got a lot of icing recipes, like white icing you’d put on a raw cake, and that type of thing. So those are those creamy nuts, and pretty much you can generally substitute cashews and pine nuts and macadamia nuts and kind of use them interchangeably. It will definitely change the flavor, for sure, and when I’m using macadamia nuts, I always soak and rinse them very well, because I find that it affects the taste. I know - as raw foodists, we’re supposed to soak and sprout and dehydrate all of our nuts, and I love you if you do it, but I don’t do it all the time just because - you know me - I am busy and don’t always do that. But with my macadamia nuts, if I, say, have run out of cashews and I want to use some, I definitely soak them, because there’s kind of this bitter taste that is toned down a bit if you soak it and rinse it really well before you use it. So those nuts can be changed quite easily.

As you’ll notice, when I kind of rambled on at the beginning about the list of tree nuts, those three creamy nuts that I’ve identified are actually all tree nuts, and so there’s really no good substitution - that I’m aware of anyway - for those nuts, so if you see a recipe that has… Let’s just use a specific example: my cheesecake recipe. It basically calls for (I don’t have it in front of me) probably two cups of cashews or something, so if you have a child who can’t have tree nuts anywhere close to them, I don't have a good suggestion for you in terms of making a substitution for that recipe. The only good ideas for substitutions that would actually work really well would be other tree nuts that are also creamy. That can be a difficult one.

现在,这不是在芝士蛋糕食谱中的好替代品,但是,根据食谱的不同,您经常可以代替腰果,而是可以替代鳄梨,因为鳄梨实际上可以产生真正的奶油,也有一种脂肪的一致性。我永远不会建议用鳄梨制作芝士蛋糕 - 即使对于原始的食品师,那里也有点。raybet12我有很多非常简单的汤食谱。他们是一些腰果,一些蔬菜,一些水,您将其混合在一起,它们确实使得非常棒,奶油汤的口味。一个例子可能是番茄汤,您有一些西红柿,一些腰果和水,还有一些盐和其他一些东西。您会在高速搅拌机(例如Vitamix)中将其融合在一起。在那个食谱中,您实际上可能可以代替鳄梨,它仍然具有真正可爱,浓稠,奶油状的质地。在那个示例中,这将非常有效。这是一种非常漫长的方式,即很难为腰果,松子和澳洲坚果等奶油坚果找到良好的替代品。 Sometimes avocado will work, sometimes hemp hearts or hemp seed - you can find these at the health food store. They’re like these tiny little disks, almost, and they’re really oily and fatty. I forget where they’re from, but they’re hemp hearts or hemp seeds, and they’re very expensive. Depending on the recipe, you could explore that as well, because they can give a nice creamy consistency as well.


因此,这是我想谈论的第一组坚果 - 那些奶油坚果。我要考虑的第二组 - 我正在考虑用食谱中的坚果来做些什么,我确定了这种类似面粉的坚果的概念(即F-L-O-O-R-R,面粉)。当您想到美国标准饮食中的食谱时,您的食谱中有面粉(饼干之类的东西),面粉并没有真正产生味道,甚至没有真正的特定质地或任何东西;从某种意义上说,它几乎更像是填充物,或者它会吸收其他成分,并使它变得不那么流鼻涕和这种类型的东西。我注意到很多生食谱,您经常会发现杏仁和葵花籽通常会raybet12以面粉般的稠度来要求,有时您可能会发现自己实际上是在使用它,例如面粉。在某些食谱中,它会说:“拿一杯杏仁,将其变成杏仁粉”,基本上,对吗?因此,您可以在咖啡研磨机中 - 仅用于坚果的干净咖啡研磨机 - 将杏仁变成面粉。同样,许多食谱都会要求以这种方式使用葵花籽。在这些类型的食谱中,您可以轻松地将其他坚果和种子代替面粉。我并不是说“为面粉”,但我会给您一个例子,让您的杏仁像碱,散装或填充剂一样。 You can frequently substitute sunflower seeds for the almonds if you don’t have almonds or you don’t like almonds, or that type of thing. And sunflower seeds can be really handy as well, because often they’re quite inexpensive, so if you can make a substitution with sunflower seeds, that can sometimes cut your costs down. But you do want to be careful that sometimes sunflower seeds don’t grind up that well. So quite frequently I might turn the sunflower seeds first into a sort of sunflower seed flour, which sounds really complicated, but it isn’t. I just have a really cheap blender - it probably cost me about twenty-five dollars. I bought a brand new coffee bean grinder. It’s quite small, just like a little cube with a cap on it and a blade, and I use that to grind smaller things. So sometimes I’ll make sunflower seed flour in there, just when I need it. I don’t keep it in a container or anything, as flour; sometimes it’ll just grind up better that way.

因此,我在脑海中标记了一个食谱的一个例子,在那里,坚果真正被用作面粉是……我要在这里谈论什么?哦,我想也许我的洋葱面包食谱 - 是的!这确实需要脱水器,但是如果您几乎可以使用柔韧的洋葱面包或洋葱包裹,它们会非常美味。这是一个很好的例子。这个食谱要求三个大洋葱,一杯葵花籽,一杯亚麻籽,一些橄榄油和其他一些调味料。回顾一下,您有洋葱 - 真的很湿 - 和橄榄油(也湿)。然后,您有一杯磨碎的向日葵种子 - 实际上它们不在那里味道 - 您肯定可以使用磨碎的杏仁。它可以从洋葱和橄榄油中吸收一些额外的水分。还有亚麻籽,它们也是地面的。您真的不想从食谱中去除亚麻籽,因为亚麻是一种绑定剂。 That’s just a fancy way of saying that flax helps the recipe to stay together or stick together, so you don’t really want to be taking flax seeds out of a recipe if it calls for them. Sometimes you can substitute - I hope this isn’t information overload for you - chia seeds, because chia are also a really good binding agent as well. So that’s the concept of flour-like nuts. I think, really, almonds are good for that, sunflower seeds, and any sort of drier tree nut as well - maybe hazelnuts could be good for that. (I don’t use them frequently. The main ones I keep around are usually almonds or sunflowers - sunflower seeds, rather.)


因此,我们有第一类是奶油坚果。我们刚刚谈论的第二个是类似面粉的坚果,然后我认为不同的是油腻的坚果。对我来说,主要是核桃,山核桃和巴西坚果。我不经常使用巴西坚果,但是我有时会待它们,而且它们很方便。它们也很油腻,因此它们运行良好。一些食谱会要求一些食材,例如山核桃,但是在食谱中选择该坚果的真正重要内容可能是因为山核桃里有很多油。我给你一个很好的例子:我的布朗尼食谱。这是一个非常简单的食谱,其中包括坚果,枣,可可粉,椰子和其他一些东西。因此,它真的像坚果,约会和调味料。在我的食谱中,我呼吁山核桃。 One of the crucial things about using pecans in this exact recipe is they will produce natural oils. Actually, the brownies will get really oily, and it’s kind of surprising, because it’s like, “Where did this oil come from?” But it comes from the nuts, and so that’s why, when you’re substituting nuts in a recipe, we use this example: the recipe calls for pecans. You could use walnuts, because they’re also quite oily and they’ll give the same consistency. But I would never use almonds in that recipe, because almonds are much drier and they have less oil, and they just won’t produce the same consistency. So the three main oily nuts that I kind of use interchangeably would be pecans, Brazil nuts, and walnuts. All three of those have a different flavor, and they certainly will impact the flavor of the final product, but they will at least give you a similar consistency. I think that statement - what I just said about those - is really applicable across the board in that you’re always going to change the flavor. Even when I think back to the creamy nuts, like cashews versus macadamia nuts, if you use one or the other, it will change the flavor. You may prefer one flavor over another, but odds are that the texture is going to be quite similar. So that’s why I’ve grouped them together like this and why you can substitute some nuts for another.


So I know that almost started to feel like math, but I think once you really grasp these things (and these aren’t things you really need to commit to memory or even worry about), overall, what I’d like you to take away from this - especially if you’re new and trying to figure out what you can substitute and what you can’t - is just think about these three general rules. The creamy nuts are just white or cream-colored, as well - that’s an easy way to remember it. I mean creamy as in texture, but they also happen to be a creamy color as well - so that’s a good way to remember that you can substitute like-colored nuts in that example. I think the flour-like nuts - that one isn’t quite as big of a deal breaker, because usually they’re just there for filler, so it wouldn’t be as big of a deal if you, say, put cashews in that one, but that would almost be a waste, because the creamier nuts are much more expensive. So you wouldn’t really want to just throw in creamy nuts into something that doesn’t really need to be creamy (although everything is better when it’s creamy in my opinion).

我认为这是这里真正的收获:如果您在原始厨房中进行实验,那么您肯定可以随心所欲地尝试一下,看看事情如何工作。我认为这只是实验和体验的案例,如果您可以尝试将这三个类别牢记并思考:“此食谱中坚果的目的是什么?”这真的很有帮助。总体而言,这是您会意识到的 - 在绿色冰沙的情况下,我什至可以考虑这一点。When I first went raw, the very first book I had (which is a great book, and I totally recommend it - it’s called “Uncooking with Raw Rose” and it’s a really good basic book, and if you’re really just introducing yourself to raw, maybe even in this podcast, it can be a really good start) - but anyway, my point was, when I first started cooking with my food processor and my blender, I did not know anything, and I religiously followed recipes. Fast forward two and a half years later, and I’ve probably made hundreds of smoothies now, and I don’t use recipes anymore, because now - not because I’m smart, and not because I even tried to pay attention at all - I just know that having 200 smoothies, or actually way more than that, I would think - I know that a smoothie needs a certain amount of liquid, a certain amount or ratio of fruit, and a certain ratio of vegetables - that’s what makes up a green smoothie. So if I take out strawberries and I put in cherries instead, that ratio is going to be fine. It’s the same thing with nuts and seeds. It’s really not something you need to worry about today, and I hope if you’re new you’re not feeling overwhelmed - because it’s not even something that you really need to consider. But it can be useful when you’re just starting to navigate the waters of starting to make substitutions to know that there are certain nuts that are more easily substituted for other nuts.

我希望您发现这个非常具体的螺母情节有帮助。我认为我可能确实介绍了很多细节,如果您开车或尝试一次做多件事,那可能会吸收很多。我要做的是将这些小组写下来。If you go to therawtarian.com/podcasts and then make sure you’re looking at Episode 5, you’ll see the groups of nuts in there already down so you don’t have to try to fill your brain too much with that information. Again, I think the first thing to do in short sequence is if you’re interested in raw foods and haven’t started yet, pick yourself up a food processor if you don’t have one. And then, secondly, if you’re really into raw and you’re loving it, and you’re excited - which you must be, if you’re listening to this podcast - do yourself a favor: if you can afford it, get a high-speed blender. So all this nut stuff is really specific, and if you’re just getting started with raw, don’t worry too much about that. I think that one of the key pieces to success in any aspect of your life - be it health, or your career, or any kind of goal you have - is it’s great to absorb as much as you can, but I love this concept of “just-in-time learning,” which basically means that you are going to learn and absorb material that’s the right material for you at the exact moment. So if you’re listening to this, and you’re like, “Oh my gosh, I can never figure out all this nut stuff; I’m never even going to bother trying a raw food recipe,” that’s probably because you’re not really feeding yourself with the right information that you need at the right time. And I think that’s why I’m adding this little piece at the end. If you’re just starting, don’t even worry about this. It’s all incremental learning, and you learn it as you go. And, by all means, you can listen, and I love for you to listen, but I just want you to feel like you don’t need to feel overwhelmed because I’m trying to keep things simple and it doesn’t have to be complicated. So this is kind of a funny episode, but I hope you enjoy it, and I will certainly share it with you because I really enjoyed recording it and I do think there’s some valuable information in it, and I hope you found it useful.

您一直在与主人The Rawtarian一起听Raw Foodraybet12 Podcast。raybet12请务必在therawtarian.com上访问我,您可以在其中浏览我最喜欢的一百多个简单,令人满意的原始食谱,您可以很快地制作出来,并且只包含几种成分,当然,它们的味道壮观。raybet 好用吗While you’re there, be sure to sign up for my e-newsletter, and once you’ve signed up for that, you’ll get a PDF copy of eleven of my most favorite, most satisfying, and most delicious recipes including Raw Vegan Alfredo Sauce, Raw Brownies, and a whole host of other delicious recipes that you can make at home that are raw and taste amazing. Thank you so much for joining me, and I hope to hear from you very soon. Until next time, enjoy your raw adventure.














感谢您提供此信息 - 发现这很有帮助。我想知道您是否认为有时可以用荞麦代替类似面粉的坚果。


ICH DENKE SCHON,DASS du Cashews Durch Buchweizen Ersetzen Kannst。















你得到了Janace :)




ICH DENKE,DASS Buchweizen FunzenMüsste!
