
We keep hearing that it’s always healthier and more practical to eat meals prepared at home. Yet, one of the reasons that may hinder you from eating healthy is battling a love-hate relationship with the kitchen. (Or maybe you've developed an aversion towards kitchen chores – namely uncooking and cleaning up afterwards.) Cooking can be a bothersome task, and waiting in front of your stove/oven for your food just takes too long sometimes. And so you may wind up picking up the phone and dialing for the fastest take-out restaurant to deliver or reaching for instant meals.

吃健康,只需要花费您的时间就可以打电话给外卖,这不是很好吗?好吧,我有完美的清单raybet for people who don’t like to cook! And these recipes don’t have any need for many kitchen tools other than a blender and a food processor, so you don’t really have to worry about cleaning up a big mess afterwards. I know that may sound too good to be true, but it is (true, that is). You’ll be amazed how easy and satisfying eating deliciously healthy raw food can be!


Nope, this recipe doesn’t really have any eggs that you normally would have to cook. It’s more like an "eggless" egg salad! But trust me, this生蛋沙拉食谱tastes just like an authentic egg salad!

Just dump cashews, water, lemon juice, turmeric, garlic cloves and sea salt into your powerful blender and blend until you get that very nice and creamy hollandaise sauce-like texture. Transfer the mixture into a bowl and mix in chopped celery and red bell pepper until everything is coated. Lastly, top it with a dash of pepper and paprika then eat it. Bon appétit!


这是一种不用鸡肉吃素食的“鸡”菜的好方法。使这个美味raw vegan chicken salad recipe,您需要食品加工机。因此,从您的橱柜中获取它,然后开始不煮熟。

只需(几秒钟)(几秒钟)所有成分 - 葵花籽,腰果,山核桃,黄瓜,红洋葱,苹果,苹果,芹菜茎,新鲜或干莳萝,柠檬汁和海盐一起成块。不要处理太久!您可能需要让口味结合使用大约半小时,但最好立即食用,因为它保持不好。你说得对;即使味道不像鸡肉,这种食谱也假装是鸡肉。但是质地就像鸡肉沙拉一样。

Raw marinated mushroom recipe

三种成分:蘑菇,橄榄油和生酱油。你可以处理,对吗?更重要的是raw marinated mushroom recipeneeds no equipment at all! That means no cleaning up! Well maybe you’d have to wash your plate after eating, of course.


Raw chocolate mousse recipe

What about dessert, you say? You don’t need to bake or need any fancy cookware either! In fact, you can make a number ofraybet in just five minutes or less.

尝试做这个raw chocolate mousse recipe通过在食品加工机中加工鳄梨,香蕉,椰子油,可可粉,甜味剂和海盐,直到非常友善。订入您选择的菜肴或小杯子,然后冷藏一个小时,然后再上菜。容易,是吗?是的!

These recipes are for you

So if you are one of those people who simply can’t get acquainted with your stovetop or oven, then these are the perfect raw food recipes for people who don’t like to cook. Why not try whipping up your own delicious no-cook meal?



